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Dive Shows in Europe: Boot and Duikvaker ×

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Just wondering about this new Forum? As one of the first members of WetPixel May 8th 2002 and over 414 post there . Why this new website was created to mimic the same?


Wetpixel.com is owned and operated by Adam Hanlon. In addition to the website and forum, Adam organized and sold diving trips. Last year, this business of his went under - he took a bunch of people's money and didn't actually organize the trips that he sold. Since then, he has completely disappeared. Wetpixel.com itself is no longer open to registration by new users, the content is not available unless you're logged in with a pre-existing account, and when Adam stops paying the registration and hosting fees, it is going to disappear. WHOIS lists the domain expiration date as May 14th 2024, so that is a possible cutoff point. Waterpixels.net was created as a way to preserve the community following this incident. 

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