Diver Dave1 Posted Thursday at 11:29 PM Posted Thursday at 11:29 PM I have a problem with Lightroom as of today. When I try to open Lightroom, a popup box appears. It says "THIS ACTION CANNOT BE COMPLETED BECAUSE THE OTHER PROGRAM IS BUSY. CHOOSE "SWITCH TO" TO ACTIVE THE BUSY PROGRAM AND CORRECT THE PROBLEM.:" There is a button in the popup that says SWITCH TO and a button that says RETRY. Neither button does anything. I followed the suggestion of an online help page that talked of removing files that have LOCK in their title. I found two of those and put them in the recycle folder. It did not help. I am using an old version of Lightroom from when was single payment to own. I do not have a subscription so Adobe does not provide support for what I have. Anyone have ideas on how to solve this problem? No other programs are running when I try to start Lightroom 1
Chris Ross Posted Friday at 12:25 AM Posted Friday at 12:25 AM 31 minutes ago, Diver Dave1 said: I have a problem with Lightroom as of today. When I try to open Lightroom, a popup box appears. It says "THIS ACTION CANNOT BE COMPLETED BECAUSE THE OTHER PROGRAM IS BUSY. CHOOSE "SWITCH TO" TO ACTIVE THE BUSY PROGRAM AND CORRECT THE PROBLEM.:" There is a button in the popup that says SWITCH TO and a button that says RETRY. Neither button does anything. I followed the suggestion of an online help page that talked of removing files that have LOCK in their title. I found two of those and put them in the recycle folder. It did not help. I am using an old version of Lightroom from when was single payment to own. I do not have a subscription so Adobe does not provide support for what I have. Anyone have ideas on how to solve this problem? No other programs are running when I try to start Lightroom Assume you have shutdown and re-started things and also fully shut down the system and re-booted? Have a look in the task manager (ctrl-alt-delete) assuming you're on windows to see if there is anything from lightroom still running and end the task if you find anything. Did you find the fix someone posted for a CC install, see if you find the folders referenced in the post: adobe forum post Otherwise the brute force method is to re-install, though back up your catalog first of course and you might need to de-activate this install first - check online about how that might be achieved first I would think. Before I did that I'd go down the burrow on a couple of support forums - you'll probably get the "you should be using CC posts" but might gain some traction on one of them, there's the adobe forum and the lightroom queen forum. Again assuming windows I saw reports of that error on other programs so could be something in the operating system playing up. You could post on tenforums or which ever version of this forum matches your windows version. 2
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