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Everything posted by RichN

  1. Yeah Looks fine on mobile as the column has the full width, Gets crushed over when the full site is in view. I'll see what I can do.
  2. @makar0n Yes good idea.. I merged them
  3. Certainly plenty people do this. Quick search on Thingiverse shows some. https://www.thingiverse.com/search?q=Zoom+gear&page=1 If you find what you're looking for you can send to a 3d printer service in your area and they will even print it for you (normally pretty cheap to have parts printed) if you don't have a printer. Im sure others will chime in there are other sites to look for as well. You could create your own in Tinkercad pretty easily if you have measurements then send the STL to a printer.
  4. Nauticam Nikon Z6/7 NA-Z7 - Used & Never flooded, normal wear but in great working condition. Housing was sent to Reef & Photo June of 2022 for an Overhaul and Rebuild. Asking 1800 USD. + Shipping in the US. Globally we can discuss shipping in PM but I imagine it will not be worth it. The back window has a slight scratch but it's not bothersome or was not to me anyway. Also Ii took the photos before putting it fully together it includes 3 ball mounts, you'll see one missing in the photo. But it will be there, also the original Nauticam Bag not in photos. If you want additional photos PM me.
  5. yes, work away from the light or use the light to your advantage.. they may have called it the christmas tree. here is a pic from the dive boat.. if you zoom the photo you can sorta see there setup from the briefing.
  6. i think i would not want to be, especially with a light every 10 feet on the line. work away from the line keep eye over your shoulder haha.
  7. This is how I have done it, They had large buoy big light free floating, small light every 10' or 20' hanging from the line. boat free to follow the Buoy and divers drift.
  8. An article on Diving and Shooting the Blue Heron Bridge would be awesome too. 😉 No pressure...
  9. Welcome aboard Suzan, Glad that you made it here. Now that you made the intro post, you should see the option to "Drag Files here to attach or click here" at the bottom. If you have any problems just let us now.
  10. Welcome aboard, we are glad to have you.
  11. Welcome Aboard! Glad to have you here.
  12. Welcome aboard Pam! Glad you made it over.
  13. yep, I have 2 desktops one at home and one at work. I have a dock at each location as well. With iCloud Drive all 3 machines are in sync. Lightroom catalog as well. The actual images are stored on a working 4tb external so as long as that's plugged in to one of the machines I can edit. I also archive & backup to other drives using Carbon Copy Cloner task at all locations when my photo SSD is plugged up.
  14. exactly, I like to keep the system drive at 1TB for Programs and System, I use iCloud Drive as well for Desktop, Documents and my main catalog. this way if Im on my laptop or desktop as long as my external is plugged in my Photos are available.
  15. I always recommend people get as much memory (Max it out or 1 step down if you can) and SSD (no smaller then 1TB) that you can afford with new Macs, as you can not upgrade later. Memory crucial for longevity and add on SSD can be done.
  16. Welcome Matt, glad you made it over.
  17. And another Thanks Ian. Much Appreciated... It’s wonderful to hear that the website has a happier and lighter experience compared. Giving a bit more modern but familiar environment was important to us to provide to you all as transitioning from one community to another can often be challenging, the team and the community has done an excellent job in managing this transition. Perhaps more than we know, a fresh start was needed. It's particularly heartening refugees from WP have embraced the new platform and contributed to the positive atmosphere. A supportive and inclusive community is crucial for the success of any online platform. 🥂 🥂Here's to a fantastic future with continued growth, camaraderie, and memorable moments on WaterPixels! Happy New Year All...
  18. Hey all, Yesterday I ran some updates to help with some lag issues on the site. Something happened to the SSL certificate eventually making the website seem down for about 40 mins. All issues resolved and should be a bit snappier. Normally I would have posted about something like a major update and put the times I would do them, but this was not suppose to be a situation where the server was unreachable. All good now, sorry about that. 🤞
  19. Sorry guys, did a bunch of updates last night, and something went wrong today. All is resolved.
  20. thinking it should go for repair... Could try turning the camera on, no lens. give the camera a good knock with your palm of your other hand to the base. See if it releases. not super hard but a good few knocks. What could it hurt at this point. but sending in seems sound advice.
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