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Mathieu Cornillon

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About Mathieu Cornillon

  • Birthday 09/17/1981

Additional Info

  • Camera Model & Brand:
    Nikon D7000, with WA (10-17) & Macro (60 + 105)
  • Camera Housing:
  • Strobe/Lighting Model & Brand:
    2x Nikonos SB-105
  • Accessories:
    Wet diopter Subsee +10


  • Industry Affiliation:

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Seahorse (4/15)

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  1. I've had some (little) experience with resin printing for small parts, that are used outside the housing, and don't need to be watertight : I designed and printed knob extensions for my housing, so that some buttons get easier to manipulate. So far, I found resin printing to be more prone to "breaking", there is strictly NO flexibility, so if your printing tolerances are too tight, you can't force it, otherwise it would break. I've made about 10-15 dives with them, and I have not seen any degradation so far, it seems very stable & durable. Here are examples:
  2. @Barmaglot, I can confirm you fear is valid : I've broke my Ikelite housing during transport in its bag in the trunk of my car, and I suspect it has been done due to the Vivid Leak Sentinel protruding too much, and allowing something (cable, arm, …) to push on it, and break the housing. Attached is the picture of the housing with the crack on it… Hopefully it happened before diving, and the "pressure check" allowed me to detect it… I cried a lot, and left it in my car… I didn't even tried a repair, I had the opportunity to buy a new "2nd hand" housing, like brand-new. null And now, when I pack my gear "ready to dive" (with arms and etc…) in my car for example, I remove the Sentinel, and only put it when arrived, at the hotel or at the shore. But otherwise, I'm really satisfied by the Leak Sentinel (I own the V5, the long one).
  3. A whole lot of great pics already shared, congrats, all those pics are really inspiring 🙂 Here is my contribution for my 2023's favorites, taken during a 1 week workshop near Marseille, France, with a lot of very competent trainers (hello @FrancoisC 😉) who pushed me well beyond my confort zone ! Was very proud to achieve some successes in these assignments. Main objective was to master the "mixed light", notably in macro shoots. Here below are my favorites (even if the seahorse is not really a mixed-light one…). All pictures taken with Nikon D7000 / Ikelite / 105mm Nikor / 2x SB-105 strobes
  4. Thank you for sharing, looks appealing 🙂 Do you have more uw pics to share to get more sense of the uw environment ?
  5. I experienced a similar issue with my Nikon D7000 body and my two 105 lenses : - the AFD (old) one - the AFS (newest) one Sometimes, it gets stuck at minimal focus, 1:1, not any possibility to recover focus. Didn't try to switch off then on, will try next time. My solution was : - to stop using my old AFD and instead I bought the AFS : it is slightly better, but can still occur sometimes - to buy an extension port that allows manual focus : as the AFS has a "M/A" focus, I can turn the ring a few turns to "unlock" it from its extreme focus position, and then it gets fine again
  6. Great article, thank you for sharing this, I didn't think Japan was a destination with such potential in diving
  7. Hi ! I'm Mathieu, from Toulouse in France, jumped in underwater photography about 10 years ago, but took it more seriously ~4 years ago. My profile on the previous forum was mcornillon I look forward great discussions, pictures sharing and critiques 🙂 My "work" is available easily on Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/mcornillon_uw_photography/ What do I shoot ? I prefer macro, but do also some wide-angle. And I use some "old" stuff, like an Nikon D7000 in an Ikelite housing, and a pair of Nikonos SB-105 manual strobes 🙂 And of course : congrats to the Waterpixels.net team for setting this up ! great job !
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