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Everything posted by ChipBPhoto

  1. Yeah, they never seem to do that for us, especially Canon. Sony has been a little more kind, or is it lazy so they don't have to design new bodies? 😆
  2. In the South we would say, "Well bless their heart." So glad to hear customer service is alive and well. Wouldn't it be ironic if you did send it in and the hardware, as a stand alone, checked out to be functioning? (not sure they'd admit to it if it did) If they get enough blow back perhaps we will see an updated firmware that will again restore the lost connections. Happens fairly frequently with cell phone updates. We can hope.
  3. So glad to hear your R5 has been working well. It's a terrific body! The reason I kept my T2i so long was it was doing everything I wanted and I was happy with the results. There came a time, many years later, that the advances made it worth while to "invest" again. Then again, if the R5II can use the same housing.... (Hmmmm) 😁 I did buy a 2nd T2i, just for that reason. I was able to sell my original body once it had ~70K clicks so I could still some money to invest in a replacement. Of course that was a lot cheaper than buying a 2nd R5 or a1. 😳 In my current rig I primarily use the Sony 28-60 for the WACP-C or WWL. I bought a used backup 28-60 at a good price. That lens does not feel as durable as others, and it's super small to carry. I'd hate to be in a distant destination and have a lens issue that would throw a wrench in the trip.
  4. The Canon colors are legendary! In 2010 I bought a humble Canon T2i and put it in my first Nauticam housing. Why this model? The Canon colors AND it was the smallest DSLR made at that time that would also do 4K video. It was fantastic! In 2020 it was time for an upgrade, but I went to Sony. The main reasons were the size of the Canon R5 body, and resulting housing, and there was not yet a good support for the WACP/WWL. (The latter has been improved). While the new Sonys are pretty great, I do miss the Canon feel uw. As for the R5C, a buddy of mine likes the extra mass uw as it aids with video stability. Also, If you use an external recorder, which he does, there is no heating issue with either the R5 or R5C. For those that still have EF “L” glass, I have never found an issue with focus or speed when using the actual Canon EF-RF adapter on the R5. I still use some today. This could save a few pennies initially if someone wants to jump in. Like many others, I’m quite interested to see what is added / improved in the R5II!
  5. I have a couple of buddies that work as high-end uw videographers. One uses RED and the other uses a Canon R5C. If you opt for another solution, aside from the extremely unfortunate situation that caused this, there are some terrific video-centric options. I truly hope you are able to make a good solution out of it all.
  6. Reminds me of Sony in the 90s. Really sorry to hear Jim. Sucks on many levels.
  7. That's actually very true! I used my last APS-C rig for 11 years. Of course I added to it - viewfinder, new strobes, different lenses/ports, etc. The a7rV is a remarkable camera. With the durability of the Nauticam housing, it will last you for many years! That helps that "cost per year" amortization when the credit card bill shows up. 😆 Seriously, if you soak your rig in a tub/bucket of warm water, articulate the buttons under water, and then dry it, you'll be surprised how long it will last. Also, get an electric air blower (~$35 on Amazon) and blow the water out from under the buttons/levers after you clean it. It's shocking how much water and resulting build up can remain without doing this. My current housing has several hundred dives and still looks new. Yes, mom taught me to take care of my toys, especially when they cost this much! 😎 Other tip, if you go with the MF-2s, I wouldn't jump straight into trying to snoot with them. Trying to direct a pin-point light while you're learning a new camera/strobes is an entirely new level of hell !
  8. Congrats on the new rig; I know you'll love it! As a previous long-time APS-C photog, here are a couple points I found when I switched to Sony 61MP: - The focus point with the a7rV must be spot on! The lower MPs of a DX system are much more forgiving. - Anything not exactly in focus will be noticeable when you review on a bigger screen. - Set up custom menus and the "C" buttons. The Sony menu is not the easiest to quickly change on its own - Alex Mustard has a great YouTube video on suggested a1 settings (same menus as a7rV) Regarding lens choices: - The Sony 90 macro actually mates to the SMC, not the CMC. SMC-1 has a very limited working distance of only 45-93mm from subject. Outside that range the 90 only would be used. - The Sony 28-60 would use the CMC, but it also requires the lens to be extremely close to the subject to focus. (83mm-135mm for CMC-2) A normal macro lens has a much wider focus range as needed. I have a buddy that uses the CMC + 28-60 and produces some beautiful images. Just mention to set expectations. - The best small dome choice for the Canon 8-15 on FF is the Nauticam 140 (or much bigger 230). The 100 dome works for APS-C, but does not give good corner sharpness on FF, especially the ultra high 61MP. (Per Alex Mustard) - Good choice on the WWL. It is affordable and extremely versatile. I have owned one for 4 years. I personally prefer to have some zoom range, and this does! It also does terrific CFWA. I have been able to do an almost-macro image of a flamingo tongue due to the ability to focus so close. For a small travel size + image quality combo, I feel it can't be beat. As an FYI, splits are not possible due to the dynamic water line between the port and WWL. - Important Note: Be sure to "burp" (remove / replace) the WWL immediately upon entry. This eliminates the possibility of tiny bubble getting trapped between the port and WWL. Regarding strobes: - The Inon Z-330s have been extremely popular. Unfortunately, they are no longer being produced. You may be able to find some nice pre-owned. - The new Marelux strobes look interesting. They also do HSS, which is a huge bonus. Connect with Phil Rudin for his thoughts if you are curious. - Retra strobes are the top-end performance, with top-end price. Includes HSS compatibility. - Backscatter MF-2s are great for macro, but not nearly as good for wider images due to small size. They too are capable of HSS if the trigger supports it. - Regardless of the strobes, the UW Technics trigger works well for both manual and TTL, should you want to go there. It also supports HSS provided the strobes are capable. The Nauticam trigger is manual only. I started with it, but later moved up to the UW Technics and have been happy. Enjoy the new toys! We look forward to seeing some of your pics. - chip
  9. Very good question. There will always be an exception, but in my experience I have not had an issue. I frequently will utilize 1/100 - 1/160 based on the ambient exposure I want. Per Ikelite, “The metadata from thousands of published images shows that shutter speeds of 1/125 to 1/160th of a second work well about 90% of the time underwater. These speeds are fast enough to prevent motion blur from camera movement, as well as the movements of most animals that are in a relaxed state.” With that said, HSS is becoming more available for underwater. When you look at your next strobes or trigger, perhaps look to models that include the ability for HSS which will overcome the 1/160 barrier. Hope this helps!
  10. Nicely done! Never really considered Soccoro, but now may put it in the list.
  11. It seems that Sony has fixed their potential connectivity issue discovered in the recent a1 v2 firmware update. This link goes to the new v2.01 released on Apr 23, 2024. https://www.sony.com/electronics/support/e-mount-body-ilce-1-series/ilce-1/downloads
  12. Exciting news for APS-C users. Hopefully Canon will allow FF options in the future.
  13. My guess would be possibly the left strobe being too close to the WWL. I use them myself, but they are susceptible to flare from strong light at certain angles. The issue is not identical on both frames. The first where pointed more towards a brighter scene is slightly less heavy. The second in a darker scene appears to show a more solid issue. If not burped after entry, could be a bubble, but looks to me to be more caused by light.
  14. In the US many people use the Zen 100 dome made for the Tokina 10-17. (DP-100-N120T) It is glass for durability and made specifically for the Tokina. You will need the N85-N120 adapter. I used it for years and found it to be a great solution for APS-C systems. As with all such purchases, always verify with your authorized dealer. Enjoy!
  15. If it’s a Nauticam gear, it is a 2 piece design. One side of the bottom piece has a lip. Make sure you are pushing on the outer gear so it moves away from the lip. Sounds obvious, but I’ve been guilty of making the mistake. From there I place the lens on a hard, flat surface and apply equal downward pressure to both sides of the gear, or very slightly rock the gear from side to side until it releases. I agree that it sounds like there may be too many of the rubber shims holding it too tightly. On my lenses, I’ve seen 1 or 2 shims is all it takes. Good luck!
  16. While we are sorry you will miss the trip, congratulations on your new addition! Hopefully she will be a future diver.
  17. While I have a very nice Benq monitor, I do almost all my LR editing on an iPad. As long as I keep the screen brightness at an appropriate level and watch the histogram, I find it to be an extremely portable and powerful solution. I mostly return to my full system only when I need to use a plugin such as Topaz. It’s nice to also have access to my images and editing on my phone as well. With Adobe holding up their end of the deal through regular, meaningful updates it makes it a good software solution. Congrats and enjoy!
  18. Here is a link to the Sony page with the download. Let me know if you have any issues. https://www.sony.com/electronics/support/e-mount-body-ilce-1-series/ilce-1/software/00268925
  19. Congrats! It’s truly a pretty amazing camera. Definitely learn the new menu system and set up custom buttons. It’s basically a computer that takes great images which is why this is the key to using it, especially in quickly changing uw conditions. Here is a video Alex did on setting up the a1. (There is a part 2 as well). The a7rV has the same menu and options. I found it to be a good starting point. Customize to personal taste from there. FYI - if you want a single walk around lens for some topside images on a dive trip, I have been very happy with the Tamron 28-200. It is very affordable, relatively small, sharp, and resolves well with the high megapixel bodies. It is my go-to for festivals, landscape, etc. when I don’t want to carry multiple lenses. Enjoy!
  20. I have import presets that include basic settings, lens profiles, and include my standard naming format. I will also include a minimal amount of keywords as needed. This sets up a good starting point to quickly review. I am very similar. In the past, I used to be “married” to all my images, thinking one day I could make more out of them than I really could. Now I look for reasons to reject them which results in me keeping only a small percentage. Example, I recently did a hammerhead trip to Bimini. Out of 874 total, I kept about 25 that really told the story in a quality manner. I find the ability to quickly cull the images is the most important step in my editing process. Once the culling is done, I normally spend 2-4 mins per image. (Note - basic corrections were done as part of importing) Of those I keep, most of the time is spent correcting color, controlling backscatter, adding contrast, and dodging/burning with masks to highlight the key part of the frame. Clarity and Dehaze are powerful ingredients when used in moderation. I will often return the following day to make additional tiny tweaks with fresh eyes. 95% of my work is in LR, mostly using my iPad. The current mobile version is surprisingly powerful and does not bog down when removing spots. For this, it is important that the screen brightness is set to a proper level, and I utilize the histogram for correct overall image shadow/highlight levels. If I need to employ plugins such as Topaz products, I will return to my Mac and further adjust the edited and synced version as needed. Those final versions are then included to the synced LR folder so they are also accessible on my mobile devices.
  21. Nicely done @Floris Bennema ! You found some wonderful colors for sure.
  22. Sounds like a call or message to Backscatter would be the best. It’s a head scratcher.
  23. @Robin.snapshots This is my question as well. I use this wet lens with my GoPro in a GoPro housing with the Wide lens setting. I do not have the vignette.
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