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Nikolausz last won the day on May 15

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About Nikolausz

  • Birthday 08/06/1974

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  • Camera Model & Brand:
    Sony A6400, several action cameras
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  • Strobe/Lighting Model & Brand:
    WeeFine Smart Focus 7000
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  1. I haven't seen this BTS video yet. Thanks for sharing it.
  2. It's my long time favourite movie. I've watched it many times.
  3. With wide angle lens with bigger fish (Pike, catfish) it works quite well. I will test macro (30mm and 90mm) in December in Bali.
  4. The Sony 11mm F1.8 SEL11F18 is actually a rectilinear lens, but I can also recommend the SEL1118 F4 optically stabilised zoom, which is good when you have enough light and it gives you additional flexibility. There is a new version (E PZ 10-20 mm F4 G) but I don't have any experience with it. I think A6700 is an excellent choice. I use A6400 but I would prefer A6700 if I would start from scratch. For macro I use the 90mm lens but I think it's not the best choice for blackwater video. I also have the 30 mm macro, which could be an interesting choice for close-up but not good for extreme macro. A really good macro lens around 50mm is a bit lacking. Optical quality is there but according to my research AF is not that fast and accurate.
  5. As I remember, it was a good strategy to have another diver approaching from the other direction and keep them in a "cross-fire" to avoid them to turn.
  6. Amazing footage. Zeus faber is my favourite fish from the Mediterranean. I took some nice photos of them in Croatia, quite long tome ago. I remember they always just turned away a bit to ruin the shot.
  7. I've just seen this video on Ikelite YT page. There are some interesting inside about the techniques used and some really great footage.
  8. probably that's the easiest way
  9. Any suggestion how to watch it from Germany?
  10. When I started underwater image making more than 20 years ago the choice was easy. Equipment to take high quality photos was relatively affordable that time, compared to professional video cameras. I could afford buying the same films used by David Doubilet, and similar quality lenses, but a good digital camera was way beyond my budget. My photos were crap not because of the equipment I used but the potential was there. I had some friends involved in videography but the image quality they produced was just bad and mainly due to technical limitations. Photos from the 80s were good, still keep up today's standard, but if you check some films from that era the quality was really bad (even from big production companies). My hobby was a bit on ice during the digital transition, although I bought a Sony A100 with ikelite housing, due to my growing family I had not that much time for travelling. I wanted to further simplify my system, so I switched to Sony NEX-5 in a cheap housing, when I realized the red button to take videos. First I was not hooked. It actually happened when I got a GoPro as a present and started to use it in local lakes, mainly as camera trap. I think GoPro was very important milestone in underwater videography and it "democratized" underwater filmmaking. Such affordable camera with so much potential. Of course, most of the divers used these cameras completely wrong and tons of crap videos have been produced to torture other dive buddies, but the technology has improved (image stabilization, better WB, additional correction lenses etc.) and now it's easy to make OK small films. These cameras are still used by big TV production companies and many blue chips nature movies include footage from "cheap" action cameras. So today, in my opinion, it's cheaper to buy a capable video camera than a photo camera. Another important technology improvement was the headway of LED technology in video lights, which made those lamps also affordable. Meanwhile the underwater strobes for photography have not improved that much. I think, making good quality videos with story, narration, capturing behaviours etc. is still very challenging, while taking good photos is easier. I see many very good photos but not that many really good videos. Image making for profit is difficult for both photo and video but some say video is more profitable.
  11. I wrote the following under Matthias Lebo's video, and this is my short opinion: "DJI has really bad corners (otherwise colours look good), iPhone is the most versatile and it has a bit more background separation, Insta clips straight out of the camera are the best, but GoPro is surprisingly good, when there is enough light (but I would use a default -0.5 correction)", which resonated well with the viewers of the channel. I would add here for more advanced users that due to the accessories and the GP Hero Labs, 10-Bit, and post processing options, GoPro is still a good option, but maybe not the best option. DJI, as a company, has the best potential to grow as the best small camera for content creators but the underwater issues are not properly addressed for advanced users. Somehow AcePro2 handles these issues better (especially the bad corners with underwater mode, compatibility with AOI lens), so if I should choose a new action camera, AcePro2 would be my choice. Currently I use a GP Hero 12 and I don't feel the urge to upgrade, because the pure image quality increase is not that big. I still think that a GPHero 12 with an AOI UWL-03 has way better image quality than any of the new generation cameras without such correction lens. Low light issues I can address with external lights and some post processing. Just for curiosity I tried GP 12 during a night dive (it's usually not recommended) and the results were quite OK (still not comparable to my APS-C camera results):
  12. Yes, I used only the SEL11 for this video. It's a perfect for wide angle videos (on APS-C). Now, I 'm looking for something similarly priced good quality around 20mm.
  13. I had an assignment last year to film freshwater underwater scenes for a nature movie "Ungezähmt - Im Fluss des Lebens". Mainly catfish behaviour, including hunting during the night. The equipment I used was a Sony A6400 with a SEL1018 (10-18 mm f4) lens with 2 video lights (weefine Smart Focus 6000). I managed to shoot enough material and the film was recently shown on DasErste (available on the mediathek from Germany (use VPN) : https://www.ardmediathek.de/video/erlebnis-erde/ungezaehmt-im-fluss-des-lebens/das-erste/Y3JpZDovL21kci5kZS9zZW5kdW5nLzI4MTA2MC8yMDI0MTAyMTIwMTUvZXJsZWJuaXMtZXJkZS0xNTI ) I was not completely happy with the night results and I was thinking about potential improvements and even considered to switch to full-frame (A7S3 or FX3) but the upgrade cost would have been really high. Finally I addressed this with a fast APS-C prime lens (SEL11mm f1.8) and I'm really happy with the results. It works perfectly with my current housing (Seafrogs) with 6 inch port. More than 2 F-stops gain (compared to the F4 zoom), sharp, fast AF and it's only around 500 euro. I'm surprised that it's not really discussed yet on waterpixel forums. You can see some examples on my YT channel: Has anybody else used this lens?
  14. I'm not surprised that the AOI lens is not compatible with the DJI Action 5 camera. Finally it was optimised to GoPro with smaller sensor and different optical system and different FOV. It's still speculation, but I doubt that the colour temperature sensor will work. I'm more surprised that the Insta360 ACE Pro is relatively good
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