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Tom Kline

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    United States

About Tom Kline

  • Birthday January 1

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  • Camera Model & Brand:
    Many, Nikon and Canon used under water
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    Retra, Seacam, Inon
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Moray Eel

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  1. Getting more magnification generally means getting closer (keeping the same lens). One will get more magnification along with greater working distance using a longer focal length lens. But they are more difficult to use due to the narrower angle of view one gets with a longer focal length. There is no free lunch. Also using a diopter instead of a teleconverter (TC) will yield a larger working aperture, i.e. brighter (if this is what you meant by "allow more light onto the lens"; lens shades are used to avoid this as this is generally a not desirable). TCs were used quite a bit to get greater than 1:1 a few years ago).
  2. With the new Retra strobe already in the pipeline I have a number of new things to try out with its particular capabilities: short flash duration (under 1 millisecond) as well as the possibility of "motor drive mode" shots. Should keep me off the streets for much of the upcoming year, ROTFL!
  3. If the SMC-2 is too powerful there is not much point to another diopter alongside either a -1 or -3 given the extended focusing range intrinsic to the RF100.
  4. A quick followup to my post from yesterday. I heard back from Retra last night (Alaska time). The maxi IS compatible with the E-Opto converter also used for the gen 3&4 Retras. I showed my approval by pre-ordering. Happy Black Friday.
  5. Happy Thanksgiving all!!! I am still trying to find out if the Maxi is compatible with the E-Opto converter preferably the model for gen 3&4 Retras (the converter screws directly on the underwater strobe). The person answering queries on the Retra site was not sure. The ability to use wired synch cable sets the Retras apart (among other attributes) from the recent competition. Here is a shot of one of my setups from 2024 where one can see the converter: https://www.salmonography.com/Salmonid-Topic/Family-ties/i-Cw48NgF/A
  6. Are you aware that the lens aperture reported in the camera when using RS lenses is not accurate? The difference is greatest at the smallest aperture. For this reason I only use RS lenses in M exposure mode on Nikons. Clueless about use on Sony.
  7. Nothing bothers me it is just very obvious when reviewing images in Lightroom and moving through them quickly in the 'filmstrip" or using arrow keys when they are taken with a stationary camera such as my salmon shoots in streams.
  8. I can confirm that the Canon 8-15mm lens has focus breathing with concurrent change in angle of view.
  9. We will just have to wait until the specs come out. Given its compatibility with many models it will likely be the same size as 4 AA batteries which does not suggest a super high capacity. Hopefully will at least equal 8 AAs. But upgrades will be possible.
  10. Thanks. I am fairly nerdy with my pix - under the influence of my academic background.
  11. 4000 miles from the motherlode so grabbed a favorite from my website. 130° EMWL used to get this close up of a collector urchin, a common species in Hawaii but a challenge to get a decent shot of (ie., showing multiple details such as pedicellaria, tube feet, and spines). Taken off Waikiki where I made a pit stop en route to Palau.
  12. EMWL - extended macro wide lens
  13. Way more advanced than my video level. As well even posting v low rez versions takes many minutes even for a 30 sec vid. My net is very very slow for uploading.
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