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johnvila last won the day on December 31 2023

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1 Follower

About johnvila

  • Birthday 10/08/1965

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  • Camera Model & Brand:
    NikonD850 & Nikon D500
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  • Strobe/Lighting Model & Brand:
    2 * Inon z330
  • Accessories:
    too many to mention!
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Moray Eel (6/15)

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  1. Hi Isaac Yes I have tried and it focuses ok - using the 110 optic and not quite wide enough, loses the impact. So I have just Kept using it on my D500 for now! Cheers John
  2. Hi all I have an as new EMWL focus unit No. 3 (part # 87203) with caps and bag, which is suitable for Sony Cameras, certain Canon and the Nikon D500 (with 60mm and plus 4 diopter). I wish to use the EMWL on my Nikon d850 which requires a focus unit No. 1 (part #87201) Anyone considering or having changed to Sony that may have the unit no. 1 they wish to swap? Best bet is someone in the south pacific region, I am based in Vanuatu. Cheers John
  3. No doubt funded with the funds "misplaced" from its members!
  4. Hi Have you tired flagging the rejects as rejected? On windows pc - highlight the shots and hit x. Then in your library select attributes and choose the black flag. Start with the fist and shift to the last and delete. Cheers null
  5. Dave - I love your optimism ----------- great idea though!
  6. The joys of living in "paradise" - quotation to send two knob to Vanuatu - USD 236!!!!! Any members in Australia with 3D printer? Cheers John
  7. They look great Dave and i agree the existing knob is not great. If you wanted to sell a few i would be interested. Cheers
  8. Thanks for the update - we are gong in May. Looking forward to it!!
  9. The old o-ring is out! The glass is out - now to get the sucker back in !
  10. Thank you all… replacement came with new oring, good as i cannot see how i could remove without damaging it. Appreciate the responses I will let you know how it goes after the weekend. Cheers
  11. Hi Brains Trust! Cannot find on google. Just bought replacement glass for my Nauticam Macro Port 87 - any tips on removing and replacing? Not as easy as I thought - trouble removing existing o-ring to get the old glass out? Cheers John
  12. Following - I had the same thing - never left attached to the flip adapter and on one dive it would not come off. Been stuck since - might try the freezer trick! Have left it attached to the flip adapter! Cheers
  13. very sorry to hear. RIP Martin
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