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Everything posted by TimG

  1. Great to have you with us. A warm welcome. Really sad the way WP has gone. I’m sure you’ll see lots of familiar names.
  2. Hi Neal Great to have you with us. I'm sure you'll see lots of names you recognise from "the old forum"...... (RIP) I'm a D500 shooter myself. Love it! Could well be wort advertising your kit here on the Classifieds. Always worth a shot. Best wishes
  3. Hey Grant! Welcome to Waterpixels. We hope you really enjoy the forum. Best wishes
  4. Hi composs Great to have you with us. Welcome! We hope you really enjoy the site. Best wishes
  5. I've found Miso a bit hard to get hold of in the last few months. But persevere. He does reply. I've not seen an update to his website for ages - maybe since v4. He's now up to v6 and seems to sell mainly through dealers. So if you look at the Bluewater website you'll find them there. No sign of a SeaFrogs adaptor there though. The main parts of the Vivid Sentinel are common to all housings. It's customised to a specific housing by the adaptor that screws on to the base of the Sentinel and then into the housing. So it's the thread on the housing bulkhead which you need to know. So getting a SeaFrogs fit should be doable unless it's some really odd size..
  6. We've used Tauch Terminal several times. A good dive operation, nice accommodation, beach front, easy walk to the Liberty wreck.
  7. Hard to believe no-one has snapped this up! A great deal for an amazing system. Yeah, a bit dated, but I know from personal experience that it can produce superb results.
  8. Really interesting stuff, Massimo. Thanks Could you just explain your final paragraph a little more? I don’t quite follow….. Thanks!
  9. Hi Robert! A warm welcome to Waterpixels. We hope you really enjoy this forum.
  10. Fit a clock into the lens opening….
  11. Welcome Mcgowman! Great to have you with us. Yep, you’ll see lots of familiar names. We hope you like the new forum.
  12. TimG

    Please Be Wary!

    Some super tips, guys. Keep them coming!
  13. Really sorry, Toque, but, yeah, I’m with Chris and Chip. Dry your tears, claim the insurance if you can…. and start again. You can probably get away with a housing rebuild (not cheap) but the camera body is an amusing story in a few years time. Camera lenses with built-in electronics are equally toast. Argh
  14. Folks Thanks to members who drew a potential issue to our attention, we’ve weeded out a scammer who was operating on the site suggesting possible equipment sale possibilities. Thanks guys! We try very hard to weed out the dodgy and malign. But there are some seriously devious folks out there. So please, if a deal sounds dodgy, let us know. We will do what we can to look into it. Please be very wary of offers of equipment away from the forum from people who are low contributing members. If you’re responding to a Classified forum advertisement, have a good look at the bona fides of the person offering. If they are a long-term member with lots of posts, then that is a lot safer than someone who has just joined and immediately lists equipment for sale. Please be wary. We don’t want members getting caught out. If you’re not sure, ask us and we’ll do what we can. But bear in mind we can’t be infallible! From my own experience over many years, lots of sales between members have been high successful for all parties. Let’s keep it that way!
  15. In all the years I’ve been doing underwater photography, I don’t think I’ve ever given thought to the colour temperature of my strobes: Nikonos, then Inons and now Retras. I’m not sure what that says about me or my images!
  16. Good to have you with us,Toque. Welcome!
  17. But is having "only" a 20-24MP camera body truly an issue? Does it prevent you from doing something or producing a desired output?
  18. Hi TeamHoover. Welcome to Waterpixels. We hope you really enjoy the forum and find it useful!
  19. I've always thought that going with the two identical camera bodies was a good idea. As you say, Caollla, a backup body but also one for topside shooting when one of them is in the housing. Same lenses, same features, same controls. I did this for Nikon D100, D200, D300... and D800. I must admit though I havn't this time around with the D500. I wanted to go to the Z, mirrorless series for topside and havn't made that jump for underwater - and doubt I will.
  20. Yeah, disgraceful if it is indeed a Sony firmware update that has damaged the system - and they take no responsibility for it.
  21. Sorry, one thing I forgot to mention: HSS needs a HSS-capable trigger to initiate the strobes and communicate with the camera. I use the UWT one to talk between a D500 and the Retras and fit in my Subal housing. So the sync cable goes from the camera's hot shoe to the UWT board which, on initiation, fires LEDs in the bulkheads. That LED flash runs down the fibre initiating the Retras. A dial on the strobes can be set on Manual, TTL or HSS depending on what you want to do - all of which can be changed underwater. It perhaps sounds complicated but it's not. All pretty simple. Like Chip, I tend to keep my system for a good few years. So if you are setting out and plan to go with a fairly sophisticated system, it's worth factoring in HSS from the get-go rather than spending a good chunk of cash on a system without the capability and then realising you want it!
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