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Everything posted by TimG

  1. Great to have another Brit with us , Johno! Welcome!
  2. Hey Mark Im a big fan of snoots for macro photography. Ive tried various options from home made through the Retra LSD/Inon to finally Retra/LSD. Some thoughts: none of the options I’ve used are neat, compact rigs. Almost by their very nature, snooted strobes are unwieldy. I used to dive from RIBs in the UK a lot back in the day. Entry with a snooted system without it being passed down could be an art form. It certainly calls for the most robust you can put together. If you’re not happy with the aiming light of your D1 , I’d suggest ruling that out immediately. The aiming light and its accuracy when snooted is critical. Ive not used the 100bar system. But again aiming is critical as is beam control. A snoot is all about controlling the width , direction and intensity of light. If you can’t do all of those, frustration and disappointment lies down the track. Option 3. I’ve found if you’re diving with a snoot then just do snoot imagery. It takes time to find ideal subjects and time to work the image. Concentrate on that and forget other format imagery. I’ve read good things about the MF2 but no direct experience. Yep, I settled on the Retra strobe and LSD. I’m delighted with results and know I can produce good snoot images in almost any condition. If you’re really serious about wanting to do snoot imagery as a genre, the money “invested” was well worth it. Just be wary of buying cheap, buying twice. An adage which is doubly true with snooting.
  3. That slipping zoom ring seems a standard feature! I’ve had two Tokina 10-17s over the years and both have had the same issue. Happily taping it place, in my experience, fixes the issue and has no impact on using the lens.
  4. Sad to say, I agree with Raph on the Inon/LSD combo.
  5. I’ve got an Inon mount available for the Retra LSD. I switched my LSD from an Inon mount to a Retra one and still have the Inon one……
  6. We do need more creative/compositions articles. I’m going to work on a piece about using Neutral Space. My favourite compositional approach.
  7. Yeah, I do pretty much the same: let the DM know we’re staying put. Model boredom and irritation is always an on-going issue. Luckily my partner is not into jewellery but she does indicate repeats/go-rounds in terms of the number of expected cappuccinos. This is another non-PADI signal she has developed.
  8. Guys i can’t believe I put the wrong date for the start of this trip. Doh! We join the boat at Port Ghalib on 10 October. Not 17 October. Age, eh? Tsk.
  9. It might be worth dropping them a message to check and see what plans they might have. I’ve found them very responsive.
  10. On batteries and their dive life, I’ve just got back from a 4-dive day in Sint Maarten (yay) with my Retra Max strobes. Probably 150 images at really varying power settings. Used the Booster, so AA x8. About 25% battery life showing as remaining. I was happy. About 2-3 hours to charge 8 batteries with 2x 4xAA USB chargers.
  11. Yeah, the Loupedecks are very good. The CT is almost a mini computer which is infinitely customisable. Loads of dials etc for edit commands all of which you can set up anyway you want.
  12. Too late for Robert, but I really like the Loupedeck too. I’ve got the CT model. The fine tuning capability and fast processing it brings is brilliant. More useful than a Wacom, I find.
  13. Following a bit of reorganisation, we now have two cabins available each of which can accommodate two people; plus one berth in a shared cabin for a woman. PM me if you’d like more details.
  14. It should indeed, Mike. It’s a great bunch of people too.. … hey, here’s a thought. Why not treat Mrs P? Think just how many brownie points you’d earn? Lots of new gear off the back of that!
  15. For the last few years I’ve organised a dive trip for Ocean Explorers in Sint Maarten. We’ve been to Saba, Turks and Caicos and the southern Red Sea trip. These trips have no connection with Waterpixels and all bookings and payments are made directly to a registered travel agent. I just act as the organiser/coordinator. Last year’s trip was so successful that we decided this year will be a bit of a repeat. So Emperor Divers liveaboard, Seven Seas, again in the southern Red Seas on the Southern Solitude itinerary. We have the whole boat. Sadly two people have had to drop out for family reasons and we have 2 spaces available: one for a man, one for a woman both in shared Lower Berths. The standard on the Seven Seas is very high and this should prove to be an excellent trip. It starts from Port Ghalib on 17 October for 7 nights. Previous trips have brought together a terrific group of people from all over: Dutch, Brazilian, American, French, British… and we have had a great time. Many have been on each trip. If you’re interested, drop me a PM with an email or WhatsApp contact and I’ll send you the full information sheet. Cost is around USD1870.
  16. Hey tank! Welcome aboard. Great to have you with us. We hope you really enjoy the forum.
  17. I was able to access it about an hour ago. Very little traffic going on.
  18. Great to have you with us! A warm welcome to Waterpixels. I’m sure there’s lots of names you’ll recognise. (love the username!)
  19. I don't know about the Nauticam, but on the Subal, if you moisten a finger and put it across the leak alarm prongs: BAAAH, BAAAH, BAAAH..... I'd imagine the Nauticam would be similar. Good news on the rest!
  20. YOLO? That's a new one on me. And we don't have it on the abbreviation thread...... We've got GAS (Gear Acquisition Syndrome) but YOLO????
  21. Well done, Sergio! For me this is the impact of shooting at shallower depths and the colouration of the water when ambient light impacts on it. At depth you can get darker, richer blues. At shallower depths, not so much.
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