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Everything posted by CaolIla

  1. Thanks all for your post.
  2. NusaTrip was very helpfull. The answers were fast and good. I asked if it possible to fly at the date we originaly booked... Yes it was possible. For the return we are flying one day before the cancelled day. That's mean we will stay one night more in Lembeh... and one night less diving in Raja Ampat... It's ok for me I'm more and more unhappy with this trip... bad feeling... To many problems in the organisation. We will see. In the futur I will avoid to take domestic flight. Since over 1 years with a lot of travel for diving I had only one big change to do... in the Philippins with Cebu Pacific... and now.4 changes for a 1h30 minutes and return. And allways the proposition of a flight the next day. For the first change I tried to make the modification direct with Lion Air.... 😞 the service is very bad. Nusatrip solved my problem in less than 30 minutes. Now I need to cross the finger until we arrived in Sorong 😉
  3. Good idea... but in my case my flight was cancelled 2 times...
  4. It's a bad day for me. When I buy the ticket Manado --> Sorong and back the situation was nice arriving the afternoon in Manado spent a night in Manado and flight the next day to Sorong... on the return we will stay in Lembeh for a little bit less than one week, perfect. Some weeks after the reservation first problem our flight to sorong was cancelled and the new one is the next day... Hummm ok I make the change of the hotel reservation in Manado (one night more... and the first question what can we do ? We lost one day diving... ) The hotel in Raja was ok to reduce our stay for one day.. Middle of january our return flight is cancelled and we flight back one day later... I managed to fly one day earlier, we was lucky the Hotel in Lembeh had some free room. Today.. our Manado --> Sorong was cancelled and move one day later.. 3 nights in Manado... and only one night in the first hotel in Raja... hummm very bad For the return the same cancelled move one day later ... (the originaly booked flight) but now the Lembeh Hotel is allready paid... We are flying in more or less one month... how many time I will need to change all by hotel bookings? And I'll probably loss some money. I'm really frustrated... Such situation don't help the divers go diving Raja Ampat. For us it's the first and the last time. It's the worst organization I've ever had for a trip Question: Have you ever experienced this kind of situation? If so, how did you deal with that?
  5. Oups... sorry Maxi and Pro X
  6. Thanks @Kraken de Mabini but we already booked... again and again at the Black Sand Dive Retreat. We are theyre like in the family
  7. And how is the difference beetween the MAX and the Pro X ?
  8. I will not hesitate take the full power strobes. I use more an more the power of my Retra Pro X. 2 years ago I was rarely at max power but now it's more and more. But my photogrphic technic evolve and I need more light. That's one of the reason I ordered 2 new retra Maxi with the viedo light in the middle. It will be possible to remove the 2 bigblue light I have on the side of the retra. I'll also try to dive with 4 retra for ambiance photo in clear water. Power and a nice coverage with 2 retra on each side But that's not the target of the 2 new one... but If I can try... i'll do that "for the fun" If i'm happy with this setup why not dive with it in the future. (I'm only sad that my next trip to Raja Ampat will be only with the 2 old Pro X... probably not enough light in some situation..
  9. I precise when I say slightly positive... it is that I can film me in front of the camera It is swimming... and go slowly very slowy up. If all is in the good position I only need hold the camera with two fingers... not a litle rotation it's very comfortable to film with it. I allways see the guide impressed when I in the front of the camera when it is floating alone, after the dive I have some remarks... "woaouh your reag have a perfect beouncy" ...but I said allways positive not negative... 😉
  10. I have read it. It's similar to m yreport over Anda Scuba Diving 🙂 It confirm that it is a good address 🙂
  11. Thanks your your comment @Kraken de Mabini I'm using a canon R5 in an Isotta housing. 2 retra pro X strobe for the lens Canon RF100 mm macro and the RF10-20 mm
  12. My camera is slightly posiively buoyant. Same for the goPro and light from my wife. Last year.. I tooke some picture from my wife with a turtle but the guide had the GoPro from my wife 1 minute before... the result my wife didn't attached it again... after I tooked the photo... wouah where is the go pro.? It was in Bunaken in Turtle City a wall... 😞 She started with the guide searching direction bottom I goes up.... at the surface I ask the boat to come.... The crew looked at the surface and found it.... Yes Yes Yes ... it was the first day of a 3 week trip.... I can'i imagine 3 weeks without... --> Allways a little bit positive it's easier to find something at the surface...
  13. Thank you @Oskar - Retra UWT I read again the mails I received, and I misunderstand some details. I'm french and English is not really easy for me. To clarify the situation I received a mail to inform me over the delay of the delivery of the new flash. I had the possibility to cancel the pre-order. I answer no, I wanted to wait then I want the 2 new Retra strobes.
  14. Hi @Oskar - Retra UWT I'm in the same situation I was a little bit surprised I was charged before the 20th of december But it's ok
  15. Thank you Oskar. I posted here for the other member of Waterpixels. The Idea was that all can read the answer. I have no problems with the delay.. it's OK, and Retra is still alive I'm happy for that 🙂
  16. Hello @Oskar - Retra UWT, no answer... hummm What doe ist mean? You get my money for the 2 Retra Maxi I hope I'll receive it. I've trust you/retra UWT... was that a mistake ?
  17. CaolIla

    Boot 2025

    I hope I'll receive my 2 Retra Maxi... Retra didn't answer my post in the Retra thread ... wait and see (and hope)
  18. CaolIla

    Boot 2025

    A question : Did someone see Retra ?
  19. Thank you @Dave_Hicks for your post. For me, photography is a pleasure just like sharing. Competitions are competition and personally I don't want them anymore. My photos like it or not... Those who enjoy them have a great time watching them, sometimes we discuss them. the others and although they go their way, I don't care.
  20. For me, competitions are not very important. My main problem is the judges. I participated in a competition in 2022 for the Paris Diving Show. I didn't win anything but that's not the problem. It is in the results, the winners won but when I see the results it was not deserved. I'm not the only one to say this... There were so many photos that were significantly better. The criteria for designating the winners are I think other than the photos. This disgusts me deeply, it's not honest
  21. Hi @Oskar - Retra UWT I ordered 2 flashs, I received weeks ago the information over a new delivery date. Can you update us here? Thanks
  22. I forgot to give feedback I have buy some things from @Luko No problem, all was fast and smooth. Same with @ChrisH Thanks to booth 🙂
  23. The duration can be a problem... BUT only for low quality video. If it's nice to show I have no problems with 15 minutes or more. Otherwise also 30 sec is to much. 😉
  24. Only one word : WOUUUAAAHHHHH
  25. Nice shoot Welcome 🙂
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