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Everything posted by CaolIla

  1. I'm sad to see that the moderators deleted my post. I was in Halmahera in june,,, and I repeat I found a lot of rubish in the water, underwater and on the surface. The visibility was also very bad.
  2. In France some people said RTFM.... 🤣
  3. If it's sheaper/easier I can give the address of a friend in Germany.
  4. I^m also interested for some meters in Europe/France It's depends of the price but 10 m or more for me
  5. The RF 2x is not compatible with a lot of lense... no, They are only a few number of lens who can be mounted on the RF1.4x and RF2x. It's better to say that this way. One is sure the EF-RF converter is NOT compatible with RF2x
  6. Yes thanks
  7. Thanks for your answer. 1) bend radius ok it's an argument, but I didn't have any problem (for the moment) 2) This allows for longer cables, support for less sensitive strobes : I turn the problem to the other side... The strobe sensor ist not good enough 3) TTL humm I don't undestand why... or it's the same answer a 2) ?
  8. No I only use manual. I also can't try TTL because my trigger is only manual. I used TTL with my precedent housing... but I didn't like that. Is the reason I have only a Manual Trigger I looked for 613core but the price (shipment) was not acceptable... Since over 2 years (more or less 200 dives) I'm using a single core cable without any problems
  9. A question : Why do you want this 613 core fiber optic cable ? I use simple 3mm (1core) fiber optic cable. It works well, i have no problems (also with my retra pro X 😉 ) The cost for such cable is near nothing
  10. Same for me Same a Manfrotto rucksack and same attitude Similar with torches but I give the case to my wife.. I use a big duffle of North face the back is really light... but no wheel 😞 I also use a big I can put the batterie in it... over 1 kg ( 6x32650 + 32xAA + some AAA + other (6xGoPro + 2xInsta360)) I can put my tshirt over it to hide a little bit ( 😉 ) I used that one time before flying back from Cebu with Scoot. ( I had over 12 Kg in the backpack... ) I oppened the bag and explained that it is very expensive and fragile.. it was ok .... 🙂
  11. Thanks but... I hope I'll not need your support 🙂
  12. A question : I have 2 Retra Pro X... what is your opinion over the improvement bring in the last generation ?
  13. Each time I was planing to try Mexico I stopped because the prices, the security issues etc... and this discussion give me one argument more to never go to Mexico Thanks
  14. Not sure that the market is happy of the actual situation. I didn't find a lot of people happy of the strategie of Retra... the price IS really a negativ point. Retra is not alone on the market, they are some other products and this is why many users will try other brands
  15. Thanks for the link... nice product.. I like the solution That's give me some idea
  16. Your are wrong not $10 but $1 😉
  17. second mailing action for the power vault. null Probably not enough pre-orders
  18. A copy of a part of the answer I received from Retra. It's Ok, but for me the price is to high I'm really not sure that if one of my Pro X failed I buy a new Retra...
  19. OK for me if there is enough place for 8 AA Retra had the possibility to build a battery packlike the new one but not so big
  20. An answer from Retra about charging speed --> 3 hours --> 6 x 140 = 840 full power shots 100% charge --> 1050 shots
  21. I'm happy with my 2 Retra pro X and my boosters but I regret one thing, it's the time it takes to change the 8 x 2 batteries, it's really painful. It's even more and more painful... I hoped that the power vaults would solve this point, but I find the solution too big/long and to expensive . Given the Retra price, I think a redesign of the battery compartment would have been welcome. A solution to have room for 8 AA from the beginning, without extension. and in this volume to be able to place 18650 or why not 2 type 32650 in order to have a large capacity. I admit to being disappointed by the evolution of Retra's products. My next flashes will certainly be from another brand.
  22. How long to charge a pack? In some situation/location it can be a problem. (Raja Ampat with power only a part of the day)
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