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Everything posted by CaolIla

  1. Yes I have the same "problem" with my DIY snnot with a diaphragm in it. If small aperture of the snoot --> 100% of my retra otherwise is to dark
  2. I builded a snoot with o-ring to sealed the inner part containning a diaphargm an some lens. PETG with Epoxy resin and O-Ring it works well .
  3. for sure... but i'll buy the g55. My wife will be able to chose the best lens depend of the subject. For a small nudibranch, something moving slow i'm sure the g55 will be nice
  4. A small sample from the gopro from my wife. with the G100 @Elvandar hope it will help for your decision https://www.flickr.com/gp/huguesbrun/SUZ6D338v1
  5. Last trip I change the 8 batterie each evening --> after 3 dives --> beetween 200 and 400 flashes.. sometimes the batteries status was red --> time to change AA Eneloop pro. I use 2 8x chargeur flat/small and not heavy... i'm happy with that. The problem is for me the time I need to change the 16 batterie... 😞
  6. And why didn't the strobe manufacturer use some 32650 ? and why not put 2 of then in the strobe and add the management in the strobe and not in the batterie pack ? Sorry if it's a stupid question . I use 5 bigblue torch with 32650... very happy of this solution
  7. Good we don't need a charger...
  8. I found a Loupdeck for LR much more indispensable as a Wacom. A Wacom is usefull for "big" editing but not for the base functionnality of LR. Perhaps for removing backscatter ok.. but personnaly I didn't do that and if I do that only for a small amount of. I didn't spent 1 hour or more to modify a photo. If I'll need to choose beetween removing the Loupdeck+ or my Intuos... no seconde hesitation... Intuos will be removed.
  9. I have a a Intuos size a little bit bigger as an A4 paper for the active surface. I have use it in the past for Photoshop.... for some picture editing... and very rarely in LR. Why I have a Intuos... then in the past I worked with such tablet together with CAD software... It was logical to do the same for the picture.... But I don't used this since years... if I used it it's not more than 1 or 2 time a year now. She is installed and allways ready to be used, I only need to take the pen and move the keyboard on the side... As you can see I can't recommend such input device, but in some case, specialy if you work allready with. It's only my opinion
  10. For me it's works... i'm in Lembeh
  11. With the booster no problem with the recycle time...
  12. FYI I build and test a support for the lens when it is no on the GoPro. First result, it's work's. I'll give some info when i'm back at home. In 3D Printing 😉
  13. Hi Yes I've buy the G100, and now we are in Indonesia I'll post some small RAW vidéo What I can say is that I'm happy from the results. I'll probably buy the G55 before our next trip. I'm not the person who is using the lense, it's my wife... she need a little bit training but the first result are good.
  14. Same nothing
  15. Yes... but if it's possible to have a "big" batterie and shoot the double or more as with 8 AA batteries why not
  16. That's it, everything is ready for the next trip Optical fibre that passes through the arms
  17. I apply the epoxy resin, then I cover with carbon or glass fabric. Once the curing is done, I sand and finish with one or more coats of finish. It's a bit of work and especially time... but what a satisfaction to have THE piece as imagined
  18. Salut François FLEX/TPU --> Change the volume if you down. PETG is really good for parts going in water.
  19. I don't have any experiences in printing ABS... PETG is realy good underwater it changed my live,,, PLA don't like humidity... for PETG it's not a problem. PETG is easier to print I print some "big" part... it's long 6 or 7 hours.. The last arm are in 3 parts.. for the 3 parts i need more or less of 15 hours.
  20. hi @Dave_Hicks don't be to optimistic I made a lot of complex things in 3d printing for underwater what I learned is 1) 100 feet (30 m) it's "nothing" the problems appear for me deeper as 40 m 50 m and if my part are ok after a dive at 60 m i'm happy 2) Epoxy is fine but after 50 , 100 or more dive you can have some water comming in. I change the methode make the 3d printing lighter but cover with fiberglas + epoxy or better carbon + epoxy Your 3D part is really "simple" if you are lucky it will probably be stable for 100 or more dives. An other important point is if you dive in salt water or not... in salt water a little bit water in the structur of the part means the dead of this part. When water evaporate... the salt cristal... will break the material... a little bit.. and the next time a little bit more.... and after some dives more... you can put you 3d part in the trash... My past experiences bring me to print now in PETG Carbon and cover with carbon and epoxy like for this new floating arm with fiberglas for the strobe going throu the arm null The arm before with PLA and fiberglas cover was stable during 2 years -->more than 200 dives... before water comes in after a implosion... the same problems at the same place for both arms... only 10 dive (40m) after. I made some small change in the structure of the piece and change the material For this part you see I hope I will have no problems during more a 400 dives...
  21. Since the last hollidays I buy the new Canon RF 10-20 mm I only shot in lac for the moment I'm happy I can go "very close" of the subject... in a short time I'll try it on the reef of Bunaken ... I'm a lover of rectilinear lense.. but when Canon will propose a RF fisheyes i'll probably try it... and after that I'll be able to compare .
  22. The chance is really really .... inexistant
  23. Me too but I don^t plan to change my R5 to the R5II I'm happy with mine setup. I bougth a second (for a good price) as reserve ... juste in case of... then if my first R5 have a problem I don't want to change my housing. It will be very expensive much more as the price I pay for the second R5. Now I can have one for under water and the second for over I hope I'll shooting many years with it But YES it was eypensive to buy the first setup... for me after 3 year(?) It was the good decision to invest on it.
  24. Only a question : Why? The answer can help other .. no ?
  25. I ordered an Insta360 x4 I hope I'll receive it before I go in Holliday. I'll give you some feedback in 2 month... The Insta360 is for me a try and I want to have some new style of pictures/vidéos..
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