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Everything posted by CaolIla

  1. It's an incredible lens... to take small things but also to make some portrait of fishes. or Turtle like this
  2. It the lense I used for wide angle pictures since 2 years... I was happy and will probably take it with me for the next travel. The RF10-20mm have maximum 20 mm 😉 the 14-35 its 35mm... some times depending of the dive type... why not.
  3. Yes For the moment I'm didn't travel with it. I only dive in lac in the north east of France. I had some trouble with my dome. I explain the extension is to short. I mount a new one with 10 mm more . But not dive with it for the moment. Here some pictures I haven't more for the moment, the condition wasn't good Gravière du Fort 2023/12/31 | Flickr Gravière du 2024/01/28 | Flickr End of June I will have more pictures, from north Sulawesi But I'm REALLY happy with this lens. OK it's expensive but I love the results. The only problem I had was the lost of sharpness on the side... but it's not a lens problem.
  4. Sorry but this website is not ok When I click on your picture i receive the previous message.
  5. Hi @Alex_Mustard I registred me at photographyexperts I received the confirmation that my account is ok I clicked on "You" url : https://www.photographyexperts.com/alex-mustard answer Page not found
  6. @Alex_Mustard I'm in France, using Windows 11 and Edge... all up to date...
  7. I'm back to enter you need to click "i'm not a robot" but nothing happend. The notification are blocked... if you activate it you will be notified that your pc is infected.... @Alex_Mustard you have a problem on your web site
  8. Warning The master class link is infected with a virus. dont click 😞
  9. I know Unterwasserkamera.at... in the past I've allready buy things there. I've look at the web site, no UCl-G100 or 55 only the G165-II
  10. Hi all is in the tittle. I want to buy one or booth of the new lenses for my wife. before middle of Mai. We are travelling to North Sulawesi, and i'm not happy with the closeup she use at the moment. To have nice video from small things like shrimps, crabs, nudibranch, (pygmee) seehorse she need to be able to be closer of the subject. The new lenses seems to be perfect for that. The sample I found on the web, are ok Thanks for your help Hugues
  11. I can put a second flip, but I don't need that for the moment then with the Canon RF100 with x1.4 it's a good start and with the SMC1 it's enough If I need more in the futur I'll probably buy the SMC2 and add it as second flip. I'will need to make a new float, a litle bit larger.
  12. I had in the past a flip (can't remember the brand) I was not happy because the gap. That's the reason I builded my own flip It was tricky. It's a flip and at the same time a float that compensates for the extra mass of the lens
  13. Funny I make exactly the same... I've 0.9 KG of batterie (GoPro, R5, for 4 torche and for 2 retra with batterie extension ..) One time for 6 or 8 years ago... we hada litle bit to much in a backpack and some free weight in the second . At the check-in the person wanted that I move some part from one backpack to the other... the difference was less than 1 KG really crassy ... it was with Etihad in Zürich/CH it was the first and the last time I flight with Etihad
  14. Yes a backpack is better, I agree
  15. I've the same problem between 10 and 15 kg... I had never problem... only one time on a low cost compagny (Scoot) I had 14 kg ... I open the bag... say it's a lot of money ... ... .--> one second please the man asked the chief ... ok.... that's it.
  16. Hi in my opinion it's important to review the pictures during the trip. -> a tablet or laptop I make allways a backup on th pc and every 2 or 3 days on one or 2 external SSD. In my R5 I have 2 slot. --> one is a CF Express from 1 GB it's an other backup
  17. Very nice, a not commun picture... but I love it.
  18. Sorry but that's a 😞 solution, put the diaphragm into salt water will not work a long time.
  19. Really not sure... the construction ist good and I didn't find any problems. To be honest the first dive was a disaster for the Version 1.0 of the snoot. It was flooded. After that the diaphragm was rosty. I disassemble it and clean it... reassembling it was a small challenge.. Now it work smooth. I have a second in reserve just in case 😉
  20. Hi @Dave_Hicks Thanks I use epoxy to seal and sometimes to solidify a little bit I cover with fiberglass In the case of the snoot I use some O-Ring The first version wasn't ok some water get in. But with the last version it's fine. I made dives to 40 meter without any water in. The next test will be 3 weeks and between 40 and 45 dives... no probably only 20 to 30 dive for the snoot. Depending of the dive type we have. but at the end 5 days Lembeh with snoot 😄 Before this holidays i'll made some dive in lac with cold water to practice a little bit with the snoot. He will dive several time to 40 or more. This part is the most complex I build it was realy funny to explore the usage of O-ring to seal the snoot and the second challenge was to make the screw to close the 3 parts. The 3er was the rotation of the diaphragm, I'm really happy with the solution I found. This snoot is not perfekt it will be a other one. My idea is to add a small light in the snoot with a baterie. The Retra have a focus light in the middle but it used a lot of power... If I find an other solution I'll try it.
  21. I know bu I don't need such a feature for the moment. If I want that it's not a problem. I'll add this on my snoot. 2 solutions, add a part at the end or build a new piece with a build-in shape positioning. With 3D printing it's easy to add something and it's realy fast if you have the skills to build 3D models
  22. I'm not sure that this diaphragms are fragile... and it he have some problems that's not really an issue... I have a second one and I can open the snoot and replace it The price is only 17 € .. The second point is that I can change the lenses in the snoot to adapte the focal length easily. For the moment I have 20/25 cm focus length.. I made test with shorter but 20 cm is for me a good distance.
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