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  1. Hi , i have seen this https://www.retra-uwt.com/pages/retra-lithium-ion-battery-pack-coming-soon on Retra-uwt.com. Perhaps do you have some "rumours" or info about this li-ion battery pack ?...
  2. Unfortunately it seems that the FCP is not "usable" on my Nikon D850 DSLRs with my old Nikkor 28-70mm, that previously worked perfectly with the WACP-C.... Looking the chart port Nauticam for the FCP, it seems that the 28-70mm is usable only from 35mm to 70mm ... so the angle of view is only of 122° and not 170° at 35mm... With the WACP-C this angle was 130°... more or less.... I am very sad... because I have already sold my WACP-C... 🥴
  3. FCP is very interesting even if very very expensive.... But I wonder if I will be able to use it with my Nikon D850 and the Nikkor 28-70mm lens into my Nuticam Housing... I wonder if I will be able to use the 35mm Nauticam extension ring N120 to N100 that I was using with my WACP-C (that I have already sold hoping to purchase the FCP...). 🤔
  4. Hi to all, I am Scipionems from Italy and I am a passionate underwater photographer since 2000. Reading the last UWP MAGAZINE, i noticed Waterpixels.net... So I signed in. Scipionems
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