I have the AOI OM-1 housing, previously I had the Isotta for the EM1-III. Both are good housings, but the AOI is like $1000 cheaper and has built in vacuum and LED trigger. For Isotta you will need some other method to trigger strobes and a separate vacuum system. The Isotta is MUCH prettier (cool Ferrari red) but in over 650 dives the AOI has been bulletproof and does the things a housing should do (it keeps the water out and lets you get to all the controls). I have long understood that my photos are not important to anyone but me and $1000 is 5 local dive trips or a few days at a resort. On liveaboards of course I have camera/housing envy. The guy with the $10K Canon R5d/Nauticam/EMWL systems get all the love but while I have camera envy, I don't have photo envy. The AOI/OM-1 is "better" than I am so using it well is what I worry about. null