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Davide DB

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Everything posted by Davide DB

  1. Divinycell is a commercial name for pvc closed ceall foam, exactly as Delrin is a commercial name fo Polyoxymethylene or POM. I had avoided going into the technical details of density and thus depth resistance since 99% of the people here are recreational and use Stix. You used a very good but extreme and therefore expensive version. I have used much lower densities that still resist 150 meters and cost 1/4. Also you bought a board the size of a door. We're talking about chunks of a few tens of centimeters here.
  2. Basically all the floats we see (pro & DIY) are made of closed cells pvc or pet foam. Closed cells is the key feature as it doesn't absorb water. It's a very cheap material that automagically become expensive when you add the words "underwater photography" near to it 🙂 Problem is that normally is sold in 2m x 1m tables... This material is commonly used for boat decks so if happen you have a small boatyard nearby you could get some cutout for free... Edit: oh I forgot: it is perfectly cut with a small hacksaw or cutter and shaped with sandpaper as if it were balsa wood.
  3. Nice job indeed. A good example for @shelbyrose out of curiosity, did you ever filmed with the EMWL? Any sample on the net? Thanks
  4. Hi Robin, Any update? Did you solve the issue withe the lens? Thanks
  5. Did you check the YT channel of @Puccio Distefano? The Dart Vader of UW Gopros in Italy 🙂
  6. Just check the AOI version. Their WA version has a terrific quality on par with Inon at half the price
  7. Yes, there is now a huge bibliography on the subject. Scorpionfish are also spotted now all over southern Italy and I expect them to go up to the Tyrrhenian Sea. Not to mention the fireworms (Hermodice carunculata) that have now arrived in Tuscany and beyond.
  8. keep in mind that the Novus is very delicate. I mean that with the “heavy scratch remover” it takes quite a long time to thin a minimal scratch.
  9. Yes from what they write, the front dome is acrylic and the coating is internal. So this is a good news. Acrylic surfaces can be polished easily. I have always used Novus liquid, but I doubt that such a scratch can be removed completely. Surely by rounding the edges the defect will be much less until it disappears once immersed in water. https://www.ebay.it/itm/253646751131 Be careful to work on almost the entire surface to avoid ruining the curvature of the dome too much. I have always done it by hand with great effort and hours of work. Perhaps you can help yourself with a Dremel or drill and a soft disk at very low speed without overheating the surface. If you use the Novus, you will always work with liquid 3 and only as a last pass will you use liquid 2. Keep in mind that liquid 1 is basically just a cleaner for glass and plastic surfaces. Judging by the extent of the damage you could also start with a regular polish for car headlights.
  10. Exactly what I was thinking. My housing is smaller and lighter than the behemoths normally used for these shots so maybe a two point arm attachment to the housing 1" balls would suffice. Then adjusting the angle I could adjust the immersion level.
  11. Welcome aboard! Un salutone dall'Italia! Looking forward to have some contribution on the action cam forum 😉 Ciao
  12. Hummm it seems a huge damage. Scratch removal methods used on acrylic, usually don't work on glass which has its own techniques and methods. Even on a lighter scratch it's difficult or impossible to completely remove it but you can smudge it and that one it's a huge one. Regarding the coating, I'm nearly sure it's on the inner part of the lens, not on the outside.
  13. Jokes apart... This is a good starting point. You are right, these rigs can be used only on flat calm sea conditions. But the pros have time to spare 😉
  14. Hahahaha I'll start from this
  15. In the meantime in a galaxy far, far away...
  16. I refrain from hacking the photo thread.... Speaking of split shot video footage, I've seen that professionals use purpose built rigs. Before I express my imagination to the max, do you know if there is a simple ready-made DIY project somewhere? The great Rafa Herrero in action... null
  17. The silhouettes of the amberjacks on the prowl with the moving anchovies create a beautiful atmosphere only ruined by the platoon of scorpion fish trying to take advantage of the confusion. If only 10 years ago you had written that this was a Mediterranean scene they would have laughed at you. Poor Mediterranean Sea.
  18. For me it is a little different. I have a larger camera and to shoot WA and macro in the same dive I would have to mount and remove the Nauticam WWL-1 add-on lens, which is not really suitable for the technical dives I do. So I decide what to film first and configure the camera accordingly. Nevertheless, my housing has an integrated tripod mount and so I leave the three legs always mounted. This allows me to shoot close-ups at medium magnification by taking advantage of the fact that the WWL-1 focuses almost in contact with the lens. I keep everything slightly negative and if I need to stabilise it, I add a small weight on the fly. More details in this thread: P.S. A trick that few implement: by extending one of the legs of the tripod, you can use it as a handle, obtaining a grip with a wider angle and considerably more stable camera movements. Here is an example (from 4'40"):
  19. I had the Pana 8mm and Nauticam 4.33" and it's really a good combo. Going rectilinear a more expensive and good combo is the Panaleica 8-18mm and Nauticam 7" acrylic dome. Way better than 7-14mm.
  20. Tokina 10-17 or Canon 8-15 are good choices on a M43 system too.
  21. Interesting link. They describe it as the Holy Grail of Snoot macro photography. I'm curious to hear some die hard macro photographer here. I think that config is very specific to a certain type of macro and the center of gravity of the whole kit will be more off center than before. Basically it would exacerbates her current problem. An incubus filming WA with that.
  22. Welcome back! Happy to see you here.
  23. I'm definitively 100% filming at mesophotic depths > 200' only with artificial light (Keldan Luna). I've never MWB. My camera (GH5S GH5MKII) works perfectly with AWB. I prefer shooting in cine-d but sometimes i film in v-log because my buddy has a fixation for v-log so I'm forced to 🙂 I agree on filming v-log on land but underwater I don't see an edge for it and post CC is tricky. My cine-d is gorgeous. Bye
  24. Yes, i was reading their website, very vague. They never state that you will swim with the animals but they require snorkeling experience and a wetsuit.
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