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Davide DB

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Everything posted by Davide DB

  1. Wow very evocative. Is it ice above the divers?
  2. For my needs I would like to mount it on a naked gopro without housing. DIY printed mount or is there some obscure adapter out there?
  3. Hi Pekka, welcome aboard. We need a motivational tutorial on freezing waters! 🙂
  4. Another detail from the @Puccio Distefano review: INON and AOI shares the same locking mechanism so the lens are interchangeable between them. But the AOI kit has a mount designed for the original GoPro housing. The box contains different brackets for GoPro housings 7, 8 and 9/10/11/12 (they have the same dimensions). IMHO, for video I would choose AOI. I find the superview FOV unusable for video. A small panning and the angle distortion makes you sick. Who uses a fisheye for video?
  5. Hi Chris, I'm glad you joined us! Ciao
  6. Welcome aboard then!
  7. Hi Suzan, We are honored to have you with us. For the pictures, as you prefer. You have two options: As @RichN wrote, You can upload them directly here. If you have the photos on an external site (some have them ready on services like Flickr) you can link them through the link icon in the toolbar of the pane where you write the post. Since you are such an expert on the Blue heron Bridge 😉 I'll point you directly to this post:
  8. Welcome among us Zlati, If you would like, you could inspire and educate through an article about a diving trip of your own.
  9. Hi Pietro welcome aboard! I look forward to see your favorite photo of 2023 or maybe a fish face shot 😉
  10. On his YouTube channel, our member @Puccio Distefano has several videos comparing the two current "state of the art" wet lenses for GoPro's. INON UFL G-140 SD AOI UWL-03 From his tests he did not find any substantial differences between the two lenses and the AOI cost about half thr Inon. the slight difference in FOV between the two lenses depends on the GoPro 12's automatic stabilization, which cuts slightly more. The second video has footage more indicative of lens quality. Although it is in Italian, YouTube does an excellent job of automatically translating the subtitles. Comparison of the INON and AOI wide-angle lenses for our GoPro underwater This video is in Italian language but you can easily add English subtitles with automatic translation. GoPro 12 with and without AOI UWL-03 As you can see, the edges are significantly better with the lens. In my experience the difference appears with very close objects. P.S. I believe that both companies would need a marketing consultant ( provided with a baseball bat) attending all meetings where product names are decided.
  11. Ciao Scipione welcome onboard
  12. Do you need it exclusively for split shots?
  13. Welcome onboard Olivier! The French team increases!
  14. Actually for 70 dollars I thought they would give me the frameless mask as well 😜
  15. Welcome Hugues! Please, post your snoot in the DIY section.
  16. Welcome aboard Michael! I can see only one photo. In what format did you upload them?
  17. Welcome onboard Colin!
  18. Same here but with lights! Glad you joined us.
  19. This shows that the average age of divers is rising. I see there is a review from Bali. Confess that it is you!!! 🤣
  20. I forgot to add that our site is featured in this issue of UWP 😜
  21. Yes we have linked it on our news section too. On the cover I see the stunning photo of Marco Gargiulo, winner of the UWP photo contest: a split shot with the Vesuvio volcano in the Gulf of Naples in the background.
  22. Brevity is not my best gift 🙂
  23. Hi all, We added some restriction on uploaded photos size. Here the new rules and a image sizing tutorial
  24. Hi all, We added some restriction on uploaded photos size. Here the new rules and a image sizing tutorial
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