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Everything posted by Pooley

  1. If you're doing a wreck based itinerary I'm guessing its one of the more northern routes? If so I wouldn't expect much in the way of shark action Hope its a good trip Mike
  2. Hi, I suppose the main question between the 14-30 and the fisheye is will the fisheye distortion bother you for the wrecks? Obviously, the fisheye will get you closer so potentially better IQ with the less water to shoot through but if you really don't want that bendy look then you're going to have to go with the 14-30 I know we have this constant battle with weight allowances on airlines but the weight of a small wide angle lens should be manageable regardless, I often put things like that in my pockets until I'm through security, so if you're taking the big dome I'd also take both lenses The Red Sea does have macro stuff, but not to the same level as macro oriented areas - there are some nudibranch, gobies, blennies etc but I find that unless you're at a specific site with specific targets then its more of a 'fishy' place so depending on your style, the 60mm might get more use than the 100mm I'm not sure I'd bother taking the 24-70, it would easily be my last lens out of that lineup to take Mike
  3. Welcome! I'm coming over to Iceland in a couple of weeks and was only looking at Arctic Adventures the other day -strange! Nice instagram page Mike
  4. As a Sony user and Sony lover - in your shoes I'd house the R7! It's a great camera, the 60mm I used to have back in my Canon days was a great lens, and my old canon 100L was superb as well. I now use a WWL-1B and that is superb and versatile - the only reason to stick with the Tokina (budget notwithstanding) is if you really need the full fisheye field of view. I've shot big animals with the WWL-1B and not been disappointed at all. I even did 2 trips to Tiger beach in the same year, once with the Nikon 8-15 with a D500 (yes I've tried too many systems) then with the A1 and WWL and I preferred the latter (although the D500 was also excellent) but if you're into reef scenes then you might want the fisheye. If its fish I'd prefer the WWL. Mike
  5. I got a couple of family members to chip in to get this for a Christmas present - and downloaded it early obviously. Picked a shot where I got pretty much everything wrong, but as an example and my first go with the software I am pretty impressed No other editing done so not supposed to be the final product, but a fantastic starting point in my opinion. I'm pretty proficient with photoshop, but doubt I could have done this so well manually - at least not within 30 minutes! Mike
  6. I think you've got the right idea of the best areas already. From my experience with the manatees around crystal river, its best to do your research well in advance with which operator you go with. Most of them just want to out you near to them for a nice snorkelling experience which is great without a camera, but often in the worst viz for photos. Try and insist on trying to find the in clear water, even if it means they are not at their most active. I asked for a photo specific trip but still ended up in dim green water There are a couple of reputable outfits around Jupiter and it goes down to personal choice whether you're up for baited dives or not. Last time I went it was with Jim Abernethy bit I'm not sure they do dedicated shark dives any more. I have heard good things about Emerald Charters though. If you go baited its normally a bit of time on the sea bed attracting the sharks then rising to around 10-12 metres and drifting around the bait box where you get the Lemons really close I don't know anything about the springs and there are plenty of centres for blue heron and blackwater, I've been happy with Pura Vida. For the birds, without a doubt the best place is Lake blue Cypress for the Ospreys, but you must time it right with the wind coming in from the east otherwise they'll spend a lot of time facing away from you. East wind on a sunny morning is incredible . You also have Stick Marsh close to the lake for the Roseatte Spoonbills. Another favourite place for me is Cape Coral for the burrowing owls where they live amongst the general population and you just walk around the streets and find the owls looking you of their burrows - and that's totally free! Mike
    Perfect snooting Tim 👍
      • 1
      • Thanks
  7. Mark, Whereabouts are you going in the Red Sea? There are a couple of places where fisheye is useful, but unless big reef scenes are your thing, in my experience the WWL / WACP variants should be the best bet. It can be dependant on the exact itinerary though Mike
  8. Pooley

    Spinner Dolphins

    Spinner Dolphins from Sataya reef in the Southern Red Sea
  9. I was there in September- flew into Mexico City then on to Cabo. they are definitely still on the lookout, I dropped lucky only because the official I had thought my housing was a drone which she wanted to tax. I said it wasn’t a drone then I developed a ‘language issue’ when trying to explain what it was 🤣 she got bored of my stumbling and sent me through - very lucky. certainly put me off planning another Mexico trip no matter how good the diving is
  10. Not necessarily Mark, it's a great site. When I return next year I'l;; be with a non-photographer friend, so will do more dives around the liberty, coral garden, drop off etc and less at places like Seraya, Baturinngit and Germobong. It'll still be great fun with lots pod photos opportunities, just not quite as intense. Time to go back for you I reckon! Mike
  11. In a nutshell, the Nauticam water optics stretch your lens wider than it would normally go, so you're looking at around 130 degrees diagonally. There is still some distortion but less than a fisheye distorts but more than say the 12-24 behind a dome. Image quality is superb. I don't know much about Sipidan but with Socorro you'll be aiming for big animals up close, and I've seen lots of reports that the WACP range work well. Personally I have the WWL-1b on a Sony A1 with the Sony 28-60mm. lens and the best comparison for what you're going for is when. I went to Tiger Beach and it was brilliant for 12 foot Tiger Sharks right up against you. Maybe if you do an image search on Alex Mustards site you'll be able to get an idea with what the water optics can do. In his image search box, type 28.0 and it'll take you to lots of shots with the water optics. Just be careful that some of his very latest shots may be with the FCP rather than a WACP. The fisheye option is great, but you're going to lose the zooming ability unless you start putting a teleconverter behind it. For macros, I have the 90mm and I think its excellent.
  12. From my own experience, the 2 most important aspects are a strong and accurate targeting beam and the ability to control with size of the light beam. I've seen lots of people trying to use home made and sub standard snoots and equally seen their frustration afterwards. this really is one of those times where if you buy cheap you buy twice. Like Tim, I have the retra strobes and LSD and think its a great bit of kit. However, I'm not sure if the focussing light on the YS-D1 will be strong enough for your aiming. If you can afford the backscatter combo then it looks promising. After that its all about how you get the strobe in position. Easiest way is have a willing buddy to hand hold the strobe. After that I think the Wolf method of setting up is good - https://www.uwphotographyguide.com/snoot-mounting-macro Here's a link to some of mine a few weeks ago with the retra LSD - https://www.mikepoolewildlife.co.uk/bali24 A few were lit more traditionally but you can see the snooted ones and see how sometimes the beam needs to be narrower / wider Mike
  13. Mrs P has just crashed her car twice in a month. If anything she needs to earn brownie points from me 😀
  14. Make sure Mrs P doesn't get to hear about this - I got a reserve spot on Alex's boat this autumn and she's not impressed that they can't fit her on! A good itinerary that one, should be a great trip for someone
  15. Cheers for the reply - but you did have me a little confused with the bigger stuff! Mike
  16. A nice variety of shots. Whereabouts did you dive? I've done 2 trips to Tualmben the last 2 years, and will return 2025/26 so am happy with that area. I snorkelled Menjangen this year and will dive there next year, but I'm guessing you were further south - Nusa Penida maybe? Please can you let me know who you dived with (if you were happy with them!) so I can start looking around for the future cheers Mike
  17. Are you currently on full frame or crop? If you're on APS-C with a 60mm then the full frame equivalent for canon would be one of their 100mm macros. If you're currently putting the Nikon 60mm on a full frame, then the only one I can think of is the Sigma 70mm macro but I've never seen any report of it being used underwater
  18. I wasn't going to reply but as it seems to be getting personal... 1. I couldn't care less about easy likes. Never have, never will. 2. I have pointed out benefits in areas you don't like to shoot - but you are so arrogant you don't want to hear it. 3. Where am I saying its the artistic merit that counts? Or are you just talking yet more rubbish? 4. I see the photos you publish, and to be fair, they don't inspire me. De-saturated sharks that have clearly been over processed do not give me any viewing pleasure and look false You really are the most arrogant, unpleasant argumentative bore I have ever had to deal with on wetpixel / waterpixels. I've no doubt your ego will make you reply to this- crack on, I'm out trying to deal with you
  19. Last bit of advice - You clearly want to establish yourself as a knowledgeable person with respect to underwater photography. You are trying on a regular basis to use science to back up your theories. Show us beautiful photos instead. You really, really, need to look and think about how you came across on the internet if you want an audience to respect your thoughts. Just once in a while, try listening to and understanding other peoples opinions and experiences - chances are you will learn something yourself. Look at both sides of a debate without being confrontational, you're sounding like a football fan who cannot see past his own team. The title here is Full Frame bubble Burst. It hasn't, and it likely never will. Maybe you don't feel the need to use it, and that's great- people get fantastic shots with compact cameras - but to not consider a huge portion of the genre and still try and defend your point really doesn't do you any favours. On that point, I think I'm done with this thread, Mike
  20. Massimo, Once again you're trying to use selective points to justify your sensationalism. I use the A1 with WWL-1, EMWL and SMC. AF is better than the D500 for all 3 scenarios, albeit the closest run in for the wide angle. It doesn't matter how much resolution you have if your shot is not in focus. Ansel Adams was spot on in regards of that point. Just to dismiss FF and to keep trying to argue the point to support the thread title is plain silly and when the overall situation is taken into consideration - wildly inaccurate
  21. Super macro isn't niche, and certainly not 5 grand. EMWL, undoubtedly so, Like I said above, you're trying to be sensationalist but unfortunately only talking about a select area of the genre doesn't cut it in the real world. Its not a sign of weakness to acknowledge other peoples opinions and realise there may be more to the discussion than the initial headline
  22. What about all the significant improvements with regards to super macro and using the EMWL? AF is far superior,I used to need to lock focus and rock the camera with my SMC-1 on the D500, where I get a superb hit rate just simply using AF now on the A1. Likewise there are very well noted AF issues with the EMWL that are not present on the A1. It seems more than a little hasty to try and go for a sensational headline when you're not considering both sides of the argument for a huge portion of underwater shooting
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