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    United States

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  • Camera Model & Brand:
    Olympus E-M10 Mark IV
  • Camera Housing:
  • Strobe/Lighting Model & Brand:
    Backscatter MF-2


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Blue Tang

Blue Tang (5/15)

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  1. I’m interested in the CMC-1, please.
  2. According to Backscatter.com the focus range is from 40mm to 78mm.
  3. That is a fantastic deal for someone wanting to upgrade from a compact (TG series) to a mirrorless.
  4. Looking for a Zen WA-100 dome port for the Olympus PEN system made for the Panasonic 7-14 f/4 lens. If you have the lens I might be interested in that too.
  5. You got a little more than that out of the sale because I kept buying items from you. LOL One of the reasons I bought from Chip though, was because there was a great communication process. He responded in a timely manner, provided pictures and even discussed settings that worked best for him. We had 4 pages of discussions about the camera, the lens and underwater photography in general. I knew I was dealing with someone who was experienced and knew what they were talking about. I felt extremely comfortable dealing with him and that is important, especially in this day and age. Communication in sales cannot be understated.
  6. I have the AC750, which I got about 3 years ago. It’s available on Amazon.
  7. I have a File Hub travel router that does what you are looking for. It connects to an app on your phone (I have an iPhone) via a wifi connection the router creates. There is a slot for an SD card, a USB slot and a USB-C slot. You can just plug the SD card in and the SSD, then use the app to transfer the files. I used to use it before I started taking my laptop on trips. It's not super fast but it worked.
  8. I've been watching a number of video lately about doing a manual white balance before shots. I've always shot just using the Auto White Balance (I shoot an Olympus TG-6 and E-M10 MarkIV). I just started using Lightroom Classic last year and discovered I could adjust the white balance there and it really made a difference in many of my photos. Is a difference in Manual WB as opposed to adjusting the WB in post processing? Will one produce better results?
  9. I'm having to replace my YS-01 strobe because it flooded under the front lens on my last dive. There is no damage, no visible cracks and the lens is tight in place. I was told it could be micro cracks or it could have leaked in from the knobs. Max depth on the dive was only 20 feet. I'm looking at the INON S-220 now.
  10. Thanks. If things work out I'll be flying to meet up with another group but I'll be there a day early and was hoping to dive BHB that day too. If that is is the case I'll reach out to Scuba_Jenny.
  11. We’re in Texas so it’s a road trip for us. I might make it down there towards the end of February though, if things work out.
  12. Fantastic pictures. I keep trying to get my dive group to go to BHB, but they think they need to travel outside the US to see anything cool. I'll show them your pictures, they will definitely change their minds.
  13. I'm hoping Backscatter starts selling the mount on its own for their lens. I already have the AOI wide angle lens (UWL-03) but the Backscatter mount allows it to be mounted on a selfie stick, which is what my wife uses.
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