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    Nikon D850


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Blue Tang (5/15)

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  1. Hi, we did a lot of travelling in Indonesia for the last 20 years+. In the past overall domestic flight travel was o.K. . Visiting 2024 October/November for 2 month again (Ambon, Saumlaki, Manado, Denpasar...). Lion AIr was a nightmare at these times. Flights cancelled and extreme delayed. Not even one worked. Good thing Cabin was luggage never checked. Garuda these times checked weight of domestic flight MDC-DPS on local passengers but not ours. Just for your info. Br Markus
  2. The next piece of the puzzle no longer going to Mexico/Socorro
  3. Hi Tim, I removed all water stains plus some very small scratches on all my glass ports polishing by hand with cerium oxide/water mixture. It takes some time but the result is 👍👍👍. Br Markus
  4. Hi, we were very lucky with Sharkexpedition. Stayed at Maa Thundi. Very nice accomodation with excellent Internet access and very helpful staff. We stayed 4 weeks Maldives in May. Usually we also buy local Sim on our travel, but due to WLAN access at most places we didn`t need it. Br Markus
  5. Hi, I dive for more than 30 years worlwide. Fuva I did this year. I would never ever do freediving there with the tigers even with diveschools. The dive operators feed the sharks with fish/tuna rubbish. So from my of view it`s just to dangerous. Just my opinion......Anyway, everybody has it`s own view.... Br Markus
  6. Hi, stillviking wouldn't recommend snorkeling with Tigers. We dived 5 days there and stayed always close to the bottom. After session we moved quick back to our boat. The Tigers in the bluewater on our way back to the boat didn`t look very friendly and our guides were also a little bit stressed till we reached the boat. Br Markus
  7. Hi, nice shots. Missing some fish life. Br Markus
  8. Hi Tim, would like to join with 6m. Please contact before shipping since I`m diving Indonesia October + November for 2 month and nobody can receive parcels back home. Br Markus
  9. Hi, sorry but text on former postwas removed after i pushed the "submit reply" button, so here again: We dived and stayed Fuva with divepoint. Used Internet only in the hotel. Access was very good. On 5 days of diving we had 2 private session (one day 1/2 hour, one day 1 hour due to cancellation of following group) Tiger dives were amazing, outer reef dives not as expected. Br Markus
  10. GX010533_1714984680260.mp4
  11. Hi, Looking for Accupack/Electronic for Seacam Seaflash 150D. I need only working electronic charching element . If Batteries/Accus defect, no problem. Europe sellers prefered. Br Markus
  12. Hi, also interested in approx. 8-10m. Br Markus
  13. Hi, looked at my Nauticam port. Same installation of glass as Seacam & Hugy. Install big phase on the glass outside/waterside. I`m no native speaker and my english is not the best to explain the procedure. Might be it helps. VG Markus
  14. Hi, did`nt do it on a Nauticam Macroport. But I replaced glass on a Hugy Macroport and removed one on my Seacamport. I pushed out the glass from behind with something suitable. (I used a hammerhandle).It take some strenght and you must be careful that the you push the glas out parallel to the port housing. Getting old stuff out is usually harder than mount the new one. Use new O-Ring some grease and mount the new one is usually easier to handle with less force. Again be careful mount the glas parallel to port housing. BR Markus
  15. Hi all, current looking for spare O-rings for the Vacuum Valve for my Nauticam housing. Nauticam charges 15,-€ for this part. Which is a rip-off from my point of view. May be we can open a topic where everybody who knows dimensions of O-Rings for UW housings will share his knowledge . So we can buy this parts manufacturer independent. My focus here is NOT mainly the big housing O-rings (would be nice too), but O-rings for accesories, ball mounts, threads, valves, flash sockets...... Br Markus
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