So here's all the data. At this point I'm probably just doing this to help out whoever ends up with this or a similar question in the future.
Camera: Olympus EM-10 Mark IV
Housing: AOI with built in hot shoe-mounted optical TTL trigger
Strobes: Sea and Sea YS-D3 Duo
The Strobes have the following modes: TTL, RC (specifically for Olympus cameras), and Manual (able to be configured to work with cameras that pre-fire the flash all the time even in manual flash mode)
Camera has the following flash modes:
RC Off: Fill, Off, Slow(rear curtain sync)
RC On: There are two modes called Normal and Super FP Flash (this is Olympus' name for High Speed Sync)
RC On Normal Flash: TTL Auto, Auto, Manal, Off
RC On Super FP Flash: FP TTL Auto, FP Manual, Off
With RC Off, camera will not allow shutter speed to exceed 1/200. Flash works in Manual. Will fire in TTL but does not provide TTL functionality. Turning mode on flash to RC, flash does not fire.
With RC Normal Flash On: Shutter speed capped at 1/160. TTL Functions seem to work when selected and strobe placed in RC mode.
with RC Super FP Flash On: Shutter speed able to be selected all the way up to 1/4000. Flash does not fire at speeds above 1/160. FP TTL Auto works. Flash does not fire in FP Manual. Placing flash into manual mode results in flash firing out of sync with camera even at 1/160.
So, if you want to shoot with TTL, you have to go into the menu and enable RC mode on the camera and then turn the flash to RC. To shoot with manual flash and get a shutter speed of 1/200, you have to disable RC mode. Unless there is something I'm missing.
Sidenote, when the camera is out of the housing, the little popup flash does high speed sync just fine. I can crank the shutter speed up as high as I want. It's only when I have the TTL converter connected to the hot shoe that it locks down the shutter speeds.