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Troporobo last won the day on November 5 2024

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  1. Thanks Chris and Dave, both look like solid options
  2. I'd like to revive this topic to see if there's anything new out there that people are happy with. Somehow in the process of two intercontinental moves in three years I've managed to lose my lights 🙄 I need a focus light with multiple power levels so it can also serve as a backup for night diving. I don't use a red light much so can do without that. Ideally it would run on AAs to not expand the growing number of batteries and chargers I already carry. I am resolutely opposed to proprietary and integrated non-replaceable batteries. The Kraken looks good with USB charging. Orca Torch has a couple of good models too. However both use a battery size not in my current inventory. Open to suggestions!
  3. That area does have skeleton shrimp, but I gotta say that I don’t see any “shrimp parts” in this image. Usually the legs at least are noticeable. But it could be something I don’t know about.
  4. Thanks for the ideas. I like those ULCS adapters! I should have clarified that I want to make my own paracord accessories and all my acquisitions are done online since I’m back in a place without supplies.
  5. Perfect, thanks all!
  6. I really want to use shackles not bolt snaps. Has anyone found a US supplier like these?
  7. I really want to use shackles not bolt snaps. Has anyone found a US supplier like these?
  8. There is only one in Fiji, the Nai’a, and by all accounts it is excellent. I’m planning a trip with them for next year. I just had a quick look and they’ve got space on several cruises in the next 3 months https://www.naia.com.fj
  9. Thanks for the offer. I’m sometimes tempted, just need to get over the hurdle
  10. Hello neighbor! I’m north of you in the islands. I learned to dive in the Sound at Edmonds and enjoy the photos and videos from others there but am now strictly a warm water diver.
  11. Excellent indeed. There are many great sequences here. The variety of shrimp species is wonderful, the spiny lumpsucker and bobtail squid are delightful. I did know the Sound has pipefish! I really enjoyed the video, thanks for sharing.
  12. Inspired by the recent thread on essential spares, I went looking for a new Olympus FL-LM3 flash since I have had two failures in the past and I am now located a long way from any supplier. I found that it is discontinued, as is the FL-LM2 used by other model cameras, and not available from any of the usual online retailers. I was able to find units on Amazon Japan and Amazon Global UK that could be shipped, so that is solved for now. If you are an Olympus user without a spare, it would be well worth considering picking one up sooner rather than later. Maybe physical stores have a few units laying around, if any are close to you. Otherwise, it will eventually be necessary to upgrade to an electronic trigger.
  13. I can answer your second question, assuming you mean a Nauticam housing, as that is the system I use. (If you meant an AOI housing, you need to move to the OM-1 mk II as the original OM-1 housing has been discontinued) For the 60mm macro lens, you need the N85 Macro Port 65 (#36163). For the 8mm PRO lens, Nautical recommends the N85 140mm glass port plus (#36048) plus the 17mm N85 extension ring (#36617) or you can use the N85 4.33" acrylic dome (#36132) plus the 20mm N85 extension ring (#36620). I do not feel the need for a focus ring for either lens as I never use manual focus FWIW, EM-1 mk II systems are coming up for sale from time to time. That's what I use, and I haven't upgraded as I don't see a big advantage to upgrading yet.
  14. Amazing photos! This is an experience I must have some day. Thanks a lot for sharing.
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