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Posted (edited)

Many Z8 shooters likely have already "discovered" this solution, but having only started diving with the Z8 at the beginning of this year (coming from a D850) I thought it would be worth posting the following.

Egonomically, the Z8 paired with the NIkon 24-50mm lens and a WWL-C is hard to beat. Just returned from a quick, short trip to the Big Island of Hawaii and this setup was ergonomically great for shooting turtles (extrapolating to other larger subjects)... Most of the dives were dedicated to shooting smaller subjects but I did get a chance to test out this set up - definitely worthy of packing when I'm not committed to bringing the WACP.

Edited by OneYellowTang
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I totally agree,

I am a Nikon Z9 user and I used a WACP-C for a year, but for a few weeks I have been using a WWL-C, smaller and lighter, more versatile and with equivalent optical quality.


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