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Here's a few more grabbed from many dive trips over the years since beginning shooting digital around 2001 (after years of film shooting.)

One well known underwater photographer's words stuck with me several decades ago in a seminar I was lucky to attend (in 1990 I think) and we all shot FILM! You had to bring your BEST 10-20 slides for "review" !!!!!  A bit intimidating but it was actually very beneficial to learn how to "see" like your camera / lens does.

He said   the most valuable thing the magazine he shot numerous stories for gave him was time in the water.  I've subscribed to that over many years and nothing can replace it.

I often tell folks how many pool hours I've logged checking out lenses, strobes, and practicing techniques etc. so my trips could be productive. Basically hedging my bets to get pics I was happy with.......

Many trips I've used what some would consider "low level gear" as it's all I owned or could afford but it was great fun no matter what !!!!

Get out there and enjoy our underwater world 🙂








Edited by dhaas
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12 minutes ago, Kraken de Mabini said:

Great Titan Tigger fish shot!  My dive buddy went too close to a Tigger fish incubating her eggs, she chased him away and bit him in the butt!

In the early to mid 90's there was one at White Rock Koh Tao called Trevor who would regularly take chunks out of divers fins and on occasions legs, when he died he was replaced by Tyson who was even more aggressive and would knock masks off etc. I got chased a few times

I may have the names the wrong way round as it was 30 years ago and Koh Tao was a very different island back then to now although still a PADI factory 

Posted (edited)

Here two fish portraits from 2023 from tiny fish:

Red Sea, Mangrove Bay, September 2023, Townsend's sabertooth (Plagiotremus townsendi). A7R5, Sony 90mm macro & SMC1, 1/200s, f/14, ISO200, 2*Z330.




Red Sea, Gubal Island, June 2023, Bluebelly Blenny (Alloblennius pictus). A7R5, Sony 90mm macro & SMC1, 1/200s, f/16, ISO100, 2*Z330.




Edited by Architeuthis
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Posted (edited)

Here is my entry, my favorite damselfish photo that captures their fiery and beautiful personality.


Speckled Damselfish (Pomacentrus bankanensis)



Edited by Pomacentridae
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