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Posts posted by RichN

  1. 8 minutes ago, Davide DB said:


     I would hang the line with lights from a large, well-marked floating buoy and leave the boat free to follow the buoy.



    This is how I have done it, They had large buoy big light free floating, small light every 10' or 20'  hanging from the line. boat free to follow the Buoy and divers drift. 



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  2. 2 minutes ago, Interceptor121 said:

    it is possible to run photos from a macbook pro and create a docking station at home

    My M1 Pro also manages videos however I don't have the discipline to keep backing it up so at the end I run a desktop


    yep, I have 2 desktops one at home and one at work. I have a dock at each location as well. With iCloud Drive all 3 machines are in sync. Lightroom catalog as well. The actual images are stored on a working 4tb external so as long as that's plugged in to one of the machines I can edit. I also archive & backup to other drives using Carbon Copy Cloner task at all locations when my photo SSD is plugged up. 





  3. 3 minutes ago, Interceptor121 said:

    I use external SSD for storage. Now you can find them up to 4 TB with 1000 MB/s there is no real incentive to spend £400 per TB as Apple wants you to

    So all the working files on the computer and the photos on the external SSD

    Archives on normal HDD and another HDD for time machine 

    Just bought a Samsumg 4 TB T7 Shield for £289

    exactly, I like to keep the system drive at 1TB for Programs and System, I use iCloud Drive as well for Desktop, Documents and my main catalog. this way if Im on my laptop or desktop as long as my external is plugged in my Photos are available.  



  4. And another Thanks Ian. Much Appreciated... 

    It’s wonderful to hear that the website has a happier and lighter experience compared.

    Giving a bit more modern but familiar environment was important to us to provide to you all as transitioning from one community to another can often be challenging, the team and the community has done an excellent job in managing this transition. Perhaps more than we know, a fresh start was needed.

    It's particularly heartening refugees from WP have embraced the new platform and contributed to the positive atmosphere. A supportive and inclusive community is crucial for the success of any online platform.

    🥂🥂Here's to a fantastic future with continued growth, camaraderie, and memorable moments on WaterPixels!

    Happy New Year All... 

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  5. Hey all, Yesterday I ran some updates to help with some lag issues on the site. Something happened to the SSL certificate eventually making the website seem down for about 40 mins. All issues resolved and should be a bit snappier. 

    Normally I would have posted about something like a major update and put the times I would do them, but this was not suppose to be a situation where the server was unreachable. All good now, sorry about that. 


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  6. I happily made these a few years ago zero issues. Ive tried coiled and not coiled. 

    I like to route the cable on the arms and I use those plastic stretchy Silicone wrist bands that my kids love on my floats to hold it. Amazon has the, cheap or cheeper if you have kids who you can steal them from 🤣. You can even get your name on them these days. 

     One thing I found, maybe it's just me is unless I leave enough slack to fully open the arms it tends to pull. So I coiled just a small part between the housing and where it first attaches to the arm to reduce the cable from being in the way and it expands if I pull my ams wide. I thought about doing a small coils at the first & second arm joint and even at the strobe side but haven't done that yet.. 


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