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Everything posted by Alex_Mustard
Adapter to use Nikon F lens on Sony E-mount
Alex_Mustard replied to EnryDiveLover's topic in Photography Gear and Technique
I had Subal housings for all my Nikon cameras - so I didn't have any Nauticam N120 ports to carry over to the N100 system, I am afraid. With the Nikon 8-15mm lens, I use a 30mm EXT ring with the 35.5mm adapter and dome. I have used the 60mm with the standard 90mm (although it is slightly long). But also with the N100 4" port and N100 20mm extension (which I don't think is on sale - although I have 2 of them). Sorry that is not much help. I am sure others have used them with the N120 ports. Alex -
It's Time to Talk About the Nikonos RS 13mm Again
Alex_Mustard replied to ianmarsh's topic in Photography Gear and Technique
For me, none of the other RS lenses are very interesting. I have the 20-35mm, 28mm and 50mm still, but have never been seriously tempted to convert any of them. The 50mm is just a standard macro lens. The 28mm and 20-35mm are both UW corrected - but neither is as wide as they seem. Just as the Nikonos V 15mm is actually the equivalent of a 20mm lens, so the 20-35mm is something like a 24-42mm (I don't know the exact conversion), which limits its usefulness underwater. Rene Aumann made an 18mm for the RS, but this was simply a land lens and dome combo - programmed and waterproofed (very expertly) to work with the RS camera. But not UW corrected. -
Nauticam Fisheye Conversion Port shipping Mid January
Alex_Mustard replied to a topic in Photography Gear and Technique
For me f/13 is an ideal aperture for most wide angle on full frame. Because in standard shooting it is hyperfocal meaning that both your foreground and background details are both fully in focus. It also tends to give excellent corner sharpness. It makes for more engaging compositions of scenes - because all elements can full engage the viewer and makes the composition more engaging. It is easier to shoot more open - you won’t need such powerful strobes for a start, but then the different elements (foreground/background) of the images won’t all be contributing as strongly to the composition and the final image will be less impressive to the viewer. Theoretically there is a very tiny loss of sharpness due to diffraction between f/8 and f/13, but this is a completely minor issue compared to the image quality losses from dome ports and particularly shooting through water as we do underwater. -
Nauticam Fisheye Conversion Port shipping Mid January
Alex_Mustard replied to a topic in Photography Gear and Technique
It is not a proper review - as I don't think I am the person to do that, but Peter Rowlands asked me to share some thoughts on the production FCP-1 in the latest issue of UWP Mag (issue 137 - for future reference): (warning - scroll quickly past the photos of me in my Tux!) Alex -
It's Time to Talk About the Nikonos RS 13mm Again
Alex_Mustard replied to ianmarsh's topic in Photography Gear and Technique
Just to add a photo to Mark’s report. The Sony converted RS-13 lens worked very well on the Z8 - from testing it as pictured. Really excellent news. Although as Isaac states it will need a custom port for N120. But otherwise good to go. -
Nauticam Fisheye Conversion Port shipping Mid January
Alex_Mustard replied to a topic in Photography Gear and Technique
I've not shot with the Canon 24-50mm, but I have been very impressed with the quality of the Nikon 24-50mm Z lens (with the WACP, WWL and FCP on the Z8). Had that lens been available when I switched to mirrorless, I might have stayed with Nikon, rather than going to Sony. So I'd say not to dismiss these lenses across the board - because some of them are very sharp. -
Weight of the Nauticam 140mm Optical glass dome?
Alex_Mustard replied to opti420sk's topic in Photography Gear and Technique
Mine is 0.76 KG for the port (with cover). And 1.2KG when it is in the carry case it comes with. -
For me the biggest issues with this lens are that it can't be stopped down past f/16, which makes it unusable for split level shooting (if you want both halves in focus) and does not focus close enough for much underwater photography. With minimum focus you have to consider the virtual image (from the dome) distance - which gets closer the smaller the dome you use. So a lens like this won't be able to focus near to the dome with even the biggest domes. And probably won't focus on anything within a lightable distance with a 140mm dome or smaller. I think if you only shoot more distance subjects - and always use 230mm big dome (but don't like split levels) - it could be a solution! That said, I do look forward to someone bringing one on a workshop, so I can try it. But I'll certainly not be getting one.
Many lenses come with tripod collars - these are almost always easy to take off. This is also a light lens compared to big telephotos - the camera mounts are designed to take such heavy lenses. And these also go on boats/safari trucks. Sadly I agree with @Nikolausz - that this lens is useable underwater - but far from ideal in terms of close focus and aperture range.
Nauticam Fisheye Conversion Port shipping Mid January
Alex_Mustard replied to a topic in Photography Gear and Technique
Sorry for my absence from this chat. Been a busy time for me with the launch of UPY. I shot the Kenko TC (1.4x Pro) with the Nikon 8-15mm on my Sony A1. Which works - but really does not realise anything like the full image quality from a 40-60MP sensor and falls an equally long way shot of what those lenses do without the TC.This is no great revelation - since the first full frame cameras 15 years ago - loads of people have been trying this solution, buying the expensive Zoom gear to work with the TC, and the vast majority ultimately reject it and have been since the days of Canon 5D Mk2s. For the record I think that the Nikon 8-15mm on its own and the Canon 8-15mm on their own deliver really strong optical quality used with adaptors on the latest Mirrorless cameras. But while the adaptors don't impact image quality they do impact on their usability - on my last trip I ended up lending out my Nikon 8-15mm and Monster converter to a guy who was having intermittent issues with the Canon 8-15mm on Metabones. It is also important to remember that for many image quality is in the eye of the beholder. And many underwater photographers are happy with images as long as they look good to social media and print well at home. And the Fisheye + TC solution certainly delivers that. But my images are sold and used around the world, and I need image quality that stands up when I am not there to say "well there was a lot of particles in the water that day, and a lot of current" - they need to look great when zoomed right in and that's why I've rejected the TC fisheye as a mainstream solution for my camera. - Mustard's UW masterclass reboot
Alex_Mustard replied to Buddha's topic in General Chat
I am sorry to hear that the access has been problematic for some people. I know loads of people are going through the material and it seems to be working fine for most. But that is of little comfort when it is not working for you. My understanding of how the system works (I don’t have a subscription to the course myself) is that you need to register with the site (Photography Experts) first. This has to be manually approved by their team (mainly during UK Office hours) because they have had problems with too many Robot accounts in the past. Once registered you can then purchase the subscription. I would have thought that under the My Subscriptions tab you would have access link. I am sorry that it is not there Atanas - I also don’t know why they are slow to respond to email - they are usually very efficient. Email should be the best way to sort this out. You can also try going direct to RECORDINGS on their website, when you are logged in, to find the videos. I am a bit swamped with UPY stuff these last couple of weeks, as I am presenting the Awards tomorrow evening in London. I’ll ask Photography Experts to add me as a Subscriber to the course - so that I can help with some of this trouble shooting. Alex - Mustard's UW masterclass reboot
Alex_Mustard replied to Buddha's topic in General Chat
Thanks for the feedback. I'll flag it up with them. This is where that should link: There are two products available here: The main REBOOT course - which is the newly recorded 8 x 1 hour series of talks designed to 'reboot', refresh, reinvigorate your approach to underwater photography. As @Kamaros points out above, it is aimed at existing underwater photographers and covers the important stuff, not the basics. GBP £95 - for 5 years access There are also a product called Alex Mustard On Demand - which a collection of recordings of major live events that I have done over the last few years, includes talk on switching to mirrorless, talk on shooting blur (long exposures and vintage lenses), talk on shooting Wide Angle Macro, a talk on selecting images for major photo contests, a talk fieldcraft/mindset, a Shark Presentation with Chris Fallows and Dr Neil Hammerschlag, - there is probably even more minutes in this collection - but it is not structured like the Reboot Course. GBP £35 - for 5 years access Hopefully that helps make sense of it all. -
The other thing to watch is the physical length of the lens. Too short and it might not stick out far enough on some housings to work with a port. But pass these two tests and it will be definitely preferable to a fisheye on adapter.
One thing to watch on very fast lenses - is that they can't be stopped down as much. A fisheye that was limited to f/16, for example, would be compromised for split level shooting.
Question on Nauticam EMWL setup
Alex_Mustard replied to crowie's topic in Photography Gear and Technique
Just a standard Saga macro port - with Nauticam 67mm bayonet on it. The Saga macro ports are great. Light weight (plastic), tapered and with a 67mm thread at the end. Alex - Mustard's UW masterclass reboot
Alex_Mustard replied to Buddha's topic in General Chat
Thanks for the warning. Sorry about that. My website works for me, and also works if I set my VPN to another country (I tried France). But if it is causing problems for others, here is the video about the course: And this is the course info on the Photography Experts website: Bookings at the bottom of that page. I'll look into what is going on with my website. I am planning on launching workshops this week - that won't be possible if my website has issues. Alex -
Question on Nauticam EMWL setup
Alex_Mustard replied to crowie's topic in Photography Gear and Technique
This video shows me shooting them EMWL with my SLR. And how I have the buoyancy set up. It shows set up correctly, it is very easy to handle. Alex - Mustard's UW masterclass reboot
Alex_Mustard replied to Buddha's topic in General Chat
@Buddha - sorry to hear you had a problem registering and getting access to the course. I am totally swamped with the UPY Awards coming out at the end of the week - so I've not been online checking all the time. Hopefully it is all working now - I know lots of people have been watching it. Photography Experts emailed me last night to say they had a system glitch that is now fixed. If anyone is interested in finding out more about this new online course that launched last week it is here: But rather than take it from me - it would be good for those who have subscribed to share their experiences - as this is still quite a new way to deliver this information (compared with writing a book) - I know others would value hearing how it works. Alex Here are some messages people have sent me about it: -
Nauticam Fisheye Conversion Port shipping Mid January
Alex_Mustard replied to a topic in Photography Gear and Technique
Realised that I hadn’t shared this video of us chatting about the FCP: -
Nauticam Fisheye Conversion Port shipping Mid January
Alex_Mustard replied to a topic in Photography Gear and Technique
Really nice video of Edward talking about the FCP at the Boot show: -
The prototype FCP is actually already there in my dive bag!
It's Time to Talk About the Nikonos RS 13mm Again
Alex_Mustard replied to ianmarsh's topic in Photography Gear and Technique
Isaac, one question I have is what would you expect to happen if I used the inner lens of the Sony RS-13 behind a large dome port for shooting split levels? At present I have to travel with the Nikon 8-15mm for shooting splits. I’ll try it on my next trip, but that is in March. -
I'd stand by this statement, but caveat it by saying that while I shot a lot of pictures with the FCP in Raja Ampat, I didn't do detailed testing on image quality. The diving was too exciting! Alex
It's Time to Talk About the Nikonos RS 13mm Again
Alex_Mustard replied to ianmarsh's topic in Photography Gear and Technique
I am amazed as many as 2000 were produced. I'd guess they are about 100, maybe 200ish, in active UW service for stills and video (plenty on RED cameras). I'd imagine there are some IP laws that would stop people copying and selling Nikon's design. Not sure what the rules would be for doing it for yourself. I don't know but I suspect Isaac's solution requires more than just individual glass elements. Seacam have a process for polishing out scratches from the front element. Not making new ones, AFAIK. The Nauticam design is a ground up one. Isaac's conversion benefits from a serendipitous similarity between the Nikonos 13mm and the donor lens - which is unlikely to be the case with other lenses. I have a friend who said he was able to commission the new front element from an optical glass company. I tried to find a scratched Nikonos 13mm about 5 years ago to test it. But could not find one for sale. Suspect most have been thrown away when in that condition. Alex