My wife has a bunch of blackwater video up on vimeo (, shot with a Sony 4K handicam in a Recsea housing and two Sola 2500 lights. Mostly these were not tethered, we only do tethers in Hawaii (maybe a US or Hawaii liability thing). I think there are two types of blackwater critters. If you believe in the diet migration business, things living in the dark come at night to feed. They go back down when it gets light (they come up during total eclipse). They don't like light and putting ginormous lights on the downline will keep them away. The second set of critters are truly pelagic and are around day and night. Lights will attract krill type shrimps and bugs and these attract squid and other predators so it is a mixed bag of what you get. We just did a bunch of BW dives in Komodo with some good critters (juvenile blue ring, pelagic sea horse) and tons of squid. For me the lights are to show the divers where the line is and the light on the ball is to show the tender driver where the divers should be.