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Davide DB

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Everything posted by Davide DB

  1. Thanks, I guess it's impossibile to print that thread pitch at home. So I will buy a cheap 67-82mm step-up filter and I will print a ring that will fit inside.
  2. Basically, from the Marumi table the same thread pitch as photography filters. Thanks
  3. I'm asking a question, maybe a dumb one, so don't shoot me 🤡 I remember back in the days of the Nikonos, extension tubes had a stick and frame to have a sure reference as to where the camera would focus and frame size. I don't even know the exact name for it, but it is a vintage item that has no reason to exist today except in very special cases. Inon reworked this concept in part for its macro lenses for GoPro and even patented it. Is there something similar for flat ports for use with add-on lenses? Since I can't find anything on the net I got the doubt that my question is dumb. Yet there are use cases in my shooting where having an immediate visual reference if I have positioned the lens at the right distance from the subject would be very handy. And this fantasy object would be perfect. Here where I usually dive, many of the subjects I try to film in macro are on steep, muddy rock slides. Being able to position the tripod is already a feat, and clouds of mud rise with every adjustment. Sometimes I give up even before I press the REC button. Sometimes corals close polyps if illuminated for too long. Even under ideal conditions, the depth often does not allow me to waste too much time. In short, I see this as a likely DIY project. I imagine a 67mm ring with a mechanism similar to Inon's or simpler or even fixed, but where the stick is interchangeable. The size or references on it would change depending on the focus range of the additional lens used. The stick can also be a straw. For starters, do you have any idea of the standard thread pitch of the 67mm ports and add-ons? I have only found those for photographic filters: https://www.marumi-global.com/blogs/technology/faq-thread-pitch
  4. Yes, then it is assumed that we always want to work at maximum magnification which is not always necessary or desirable. Then here we are talking about video while 90% of the examples are photos. Repetita Iuvant: it is one thing to stand still in the blue (black actually 😉) for 1/250 of a second, another to stand there for 30 seconds at 1:1 magnification.
  5. Have a look here. This XAvdenturer seems a good option, a fair price and Pietro sell them in Italy. @Wags could give you his feedback.
  6. Terrific quality for a such small camera. When you have time. Would you mind shooting something on the reef with fixed WB and Natural light? Thank you in advance
  7. People think that gopros & Co. have special requirements for lights or given that the camera is "cheap" same apply for the lights. It's true the contrary. The tiny sensor requires a lot of light. A FF camera or even a M43 camera can work flawlessly at 1600 ISO and up. While a Gopro @1600 ISO is pure trash. IMO the only requirement is having something small. 6K is the bare minimum). There are the Scubalamp/SUPE very cheap (but iirc they are not constant output). A good option are the latest Kraken lights ( @bghazzal can give you some feedback) or Weefine.
  8. A friend of mine bought it and he use it as plugin into PS He sent me a couple of photos never edited of a dive we made on the wreck of a JU 52 WWII airplane near Capri Island. Photo credits: Marco Bartolomucci
  9. Absolutely not 🍻 In the end it is the market that decides. From the feedback I see around I think it will sell a lot of licenses. In the Blackwater scene they cry tears of joy 😹
  10. Guys, let's try not to be so polarized. We are not on Facebook 😄 Everyone can make his own judgment. Besides, we are not 7 billion Tom Hanks in Cast Away. We are a society. I am a sw engineer. Should I be willing to pay any amount of money for a steak because I don't know how to be a butcher? Come on... Maybe before I stop diving, someone will come out with a similar plugin for video. A dream.
  11. Is that the pancake 16-50mm lens? I thought it was smaller... It would be nice finding a printed gear. I guess the Nauticam gear costs double the lens price 🙂
  12. Last week I saw a photo shot on the Thislegorm mooring in the evening. Something like 12 liveaboards on the same spot. Just imagine underwater...
  13. I thought the same but I'm afraid it would have the same problem as the Lumix 30mm M43: too short minimum focus distance... This lens has a MFD of 95mm from sensor plane. The lens is 56mm long. Add 10 or 20mm for the port and you end up focusing on the glass to get 1:1. Despite everything (it is a very old lens) it seems that with firmware updates it has AF optimized for video. At least according to the Sony datasheets. However, I don't think it is possible to add diopters. It would take someone who has used it.
  14. Update. 17 missing so far https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20241125-egypt-says-17-missing-after-red-sea-tourist-boat-capsizes
  15. Sad news from Red Sea again https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cm2m7z9xpndo https://www.arabnews.com/node/2580667/middle-east
  16. I guess it's more or less like my M43 kit lens 14-42mm. It seems crap but behind a WWL-1B it's decent. This is A6700 + 16-50mm + WWL-C. I don't like its color grading but rhe results are perfect.
  17. You just gave away a fundamental piece of the Japanese diving kit !
  18. Congrats for your new Lady 👏 Looking forward to see some footage. Please, shot for us some clips in ambient light only 🙂
  19. Thank you for the video. Finally a test that makes sense unlike what we have seen so far posted by web stars. On one thing GoPro is still ahead of DJI and Insta: user manuals. Can't find a table with the FOVs of the different modes. One of the few meaningful video: It is clear that ultra wide and maybe even wide are too wide to avoid distortion behind a flat port. but I think that is impossible even for lenses like AOI or Inon lenses. Not surprisingly, Inon has just introduced an updated lens. The correction you made shows that these files can be “pushed” quite a bit. Maybe a filter can help. @bghazzal has done several experiments and his solution seems to be very inexpensive as well. Lee Dark Salmon gel worths a try, a sheet is really cheap: https://waterpixels.net/forums/topic/1414-ur-pro-filters-info/page/2/#findComment-10509 I am looking forward to seeing the results with the AOI lens.
  20. Does it come with the Neweer head or it's your addition? Is the head still "alive"? Thank you in advance
  21. Wow that is a dive! Regarding the video itself, I am not the best person to give an opinion since I practically only dive in the Med and have little experience diving abroad. Add that the Med is a pond compared to the ocean, and I don't even want to start recounting all the incidents that have happened to me in 34 years of diving as divers like to do over dinner or over a couple of 🍺 I can only give you the impression I got as a “foreigner.” The owner and everyone seems to put on airs. Maybe the translation is not the best and I don't understand the linguistic nuances. But I also understand that taking clients offshore in those conditions is not easy. I do not get if he wants to discourage inexperienced people from going there or create “hipe” for foreign divers. Here in Italy, diving has always been DIY as they call it. At most they give you a guide if you ask for one but otherwise, you have to be autonomous. It seems like the norm to me. maybe Italy and Japan are exceptions but I think it's different only in resorts and liveaboard. It also frankly bothers me that someone touches my equipment and on Red Sea cruises I had to get used to it. The video clearly seems to me to be a promotional video for foreign countries. Frankly, I don't know how well they hit the target. Only at the 'last minute,' the owner makes a last minute effort in saying that they are happy to welcome new people and that they are trying to improve their standards to have a wider audience. But after 30 minutes spent explaining how dangerous diving there is, that if you can't fin, you'd better stay home, and that if you don't follow the rules you'll be permanently banned.... to me it's like to close the stable door after the horse has bolted. 😄 Still, I would love to do three or four dives there. I wonder if I can 😉
  22. Yes, I understand but frankly, starting from scrattch, for an action camera I wouldn't be wasting a lot of time with DIY solutions and I would go straight to ready-made solutions like these that are cheap and also handy: https://www.flex-arm.com/en/tripods-and-monopods/underwater-camera-tripod Or the ones on Aliexpress. or, last but not the least, since you already have the bracket, perhaps the solution proposed by @bghazzal is the quickest.
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