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christophe chellapermal

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    United Arab Emirates

Everything posted by christophe chellapermal

  1. I highly recommend the UWT over the TRT it is way more reliable in every way
  2. having operated for 15 years an IDC in Munsamdam oman this x-ray magazine is like a stab at my heart ..
  3. yes it was mine lol biut i couldnt find anymore yesterday just did 🙂
  4. Hey everyone im tempted to go back to 35 mm i have an old nikonos V and 2 RS body that would need servicing would anyone know of anybody that could help ? Thank you, Chris
  5. hey guys well tried everything nothing works if anyone has any ideas im open for suggestions..
  6. Hey everyone does anyone know anywhere i could get a nikonos v and rs serviced ? Thank you Chris
  7. Thx guys i have tried with no luck my leather wrench is to big… i ll try another one merci 🙏
  8. Hey everyone i own a nauticam lens i cant seem to unscrew from my flip holder i assume theres been some aluminium oxydation.. would anyone have any tip to help me ? Thank you
  9. I the end i am taking back and apologise about what i said about the product it does work. The trigger was not working because the camera was on silent mode this cancels any flash triggering. My experience was a disaster and could ve been handled differently and make a difference but like i said balaz reimbursed me in full i still haven't been able to send him back the unit will do that asap.
  10. yes though i realised after that my evf brightness was super high after removing live view i though i was in lighten condition where in reality i might have been attempting to shoot without proper foucing light!
  11. This is too funy man i just realised lol thats so funy that we were together on the same trip and didn t realise !! I think you are right about focus light i'm looking as we speak to order quite a few lights im probably going to go with big blue for the line im still not sure if i should go with 5000 lumen or 9 000 lumen i will add some focus lights smalled than 20 lumen galia even if i use it at half power... I have done some research yesterday mike bartick is also on a z8 he is using the f105 the z105 and seems to be also using the 24-50 but with the wacp-1 instead of the wwl1 not sure if the focusing distance is better with the wacp...
  12. @Barmaglot and @bghazzal@Davide DB actually just came back from smiling seahorse, franck the owner of the boat is one of the most passionate photographers i have had the chance to know funnily enough i knew him before he was diving professionally and did his aow-dm at my place back when i had a center ! Long story short they offer black water trips on every trip if there is enough participant, myanmar just reopened this was the first cruise and we got to do 2 bw dives. It was interesting i have yet to look at my photos, i was on the z8 and must say i was really struggling with the af in black water. I used to shoot a d500 and it was much more efficient for bw. For wa it was great for daytime macro too but for black water without 2 x 5k lumen focus light i would not get a focus and i tried many af-servo the most efficient was af-c with a large box.. i did try using my 16-35 in a 230 mm port to film for macros as well as th 24-50 with wwl1 to film but very hard to get sharpness in both cases. David i can only guess those lenses you quote were on m4/3 so maybe on fx a 50-85mm would be better provided it has short focus distance..
  13. Thank you everyone for the awesome feedback and the input just as a reminder it's not about putting the blame on anyone but really about opening what i believe is a discussion we don t hear about enough, i also want to emphasize how lucky we are to have such cool hobby and time for a passion while some on the planet have much pressing issues.. It is a very difficult topic and the line is very thin it is also very hard to define if tourism is a good or negative thing for habitats i have seen places that thrived thanks to tourism others like in sharm where i have seen the reefs in really bad shape my first time there was in 96 last one was in 23... I know for example in hawai they have strict rules about approaching marine mammals... Like always there are those with good practices and those without a care... my approach has always been to be as humble as possible when in the sea.. i ve always taught one motto to all my dive student a good diver is a diver that never stops learning i believe the same applies in uw photography.. heading out for a cruise in thailand tonight will be off the grid for two weeks apologies if i don't follow up in the threads, merci to all
  14. Hi Everyone, I would like to share with everyone this article that i have published on my site. In a time where we are constantly pushed by social media to publish images faster and faster i am noticing around me more and more malpractices on land and of course also underwater. This is an article initially in french translated by myself in English do forgive me if there any errors. https://scuba-people.com/en/banner/the-other-face-of-underwater-photography-ethical-dilemmas Thanks for reading
  15. Yeah there was a seahorse pic with an ear bud. i think no award in uw has ever been revoked..
  16. Hello everyone, i m working on an article and could use a small help... i remember a couple of years ago a person that had won a uw photo competition had his price revoked. I can t seem to remember exactly he had faked the image or manipulated the seahorse.. can anyone remember this incident or any incident of the sort ?
  17. Thank you @Interceptor121 for passing on very valuable information and knowledge. I still think there is way to much energy spent and noise made on those wet lenses. Especially when i see images like the one @upy from rafael caballero, his image is dead bang on sharp using a z14-30f4. I keep reading everywhere that the z lens are unsharp uw in the corners and full of aberration I feel more and more like there given way more credits than they deserve
  18. my bad just saw the exif on the right 😉😅 sorry !
  19. ola i must ask were you using the tamron 14-27mm?
  20. Well i ve had a not very good experience with the turtle but despite this i must say that Balazs still refunded me the full amount and i still haven't even sent him back the unit. Balazs was certainly very reactive to my mails yet it's been hard to communicate at times. I might have been unlucky with that unit it happens. One thing that really sucks on the trigger is that there is no visual aid to notify you when its on or off a little led on the side would be quite nice.
  21. hi there, still for sale? are they the the type 1 or 2?
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