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  1. The prettiest snoot light with focused beam to make your nudibranchs look like movie stars. This Retra LSD has the mounting for Inon Z-240 but Z-330 also fits. Other mounts are available for different strobes, and the four standard inserts are included. Only light local use, so it’s still in great shape. $320 shipped in USA, or pick up in Los Angeles area.
  2. That looks great, thanks for the preview. Are you using the 5T close-up lens with magnifiers like this one, or only one at a time?
  3. I recently reorganized by subject rather than by dive trip, except for a few recent big trips. Based on the pics that people usually want to see -- sharks, sea lions, turtles., etc. https://photo.jefflaity.com Smugmug has some interesting gallery website examples on their homepage. I liked this example: https://www.christianpondella.com/ You can publish directly to a Smugmug site from Lightroom with their plug-in.
  4. I heard back from Marelux sales department that Nauticam (and Inon, etc?) eyepieces are not supported. Also Nauticam ports are supported with a 20mm extension, but that makes it incompatible with a fisheye lens. Since I would need to replace 3k+ of glass, I guess I’ll keep saving and searching.
  5. I like a lanyard when I’m in deep water (oil rig or black water.) But I’ve seen a camera (and other gear) get dropped near a boat several times, leading to a search and recovery dive after that.
  6. Upgrading to R5mkII or R5C? I’m interested in your old housing. Thanks.
  7. I assume it’s the camera on the left in the top photo? Do you have three lanyards? I always hold my (large SLR) camera rig while diving unless there’s an emergency. The lanyard is just there in case it gets dropped. I’ve never dropped a camera but I’ve dropped a light at the oil rigs. Watched it spiral down to the briny deep for minutes.
  8. I’m considering a Marelux housing for Canon R5 but I’m finding very little online as far as reviews. Does anyone gave experience with these, especially coming from Nauticam? The housing design seems to be inspired by Nauticam, putting it kindly. How difficult is it to adapt Nauti ports to work with the 20mm extension/adaptor? Do the Nauti viewfinders work? How is the optical strobe trigger? Thanks.
  9. Really like Crystal Blue in Anilao, great guides and camera room. Mike usually has gear to try out, and he runs the Black Water group on Facebook in addition to writing the definitive book on it. Some pics from my last trip there: https://photo.jefflaity.com/Anilao-Philippines-2019
  10. Photos from our recent trip: https://photo.jefflaity.com/Komodo-Indonesia-2024 Enjoy
  11. Nice stuff. I like the abstract eels.
  12. Here is the ebook: https://paulnicklen.com/product/photographing-wild/
  13. Book I rediscovered recently, “Photographing Wild” by Paul Nicklen. Alex Mustard’s book is heavy on technique, where Nicklen and Skerry talk about approaching wildlife and how to get better behavior shots. I’ve learned from all of them but I’d love to find more like “Wild.”
  14. Is the only difference between bonfire and black water whether you can see the bottom? To me, “bonfire dive” is when they put lights on the bottom to attract life, like the manta dive in Kona, Hawaii. It’s in around 60 feet of water with lights on the bottom to attract plankton to feed the mantas. All black water dives have lights on a line, for a location reference and safety as much as to attract critters.
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