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Spare parts Philippines (Dauin/Bohol)

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Hi all,

I'll be traveling to the Philippines soon, and I'm wondering, of it is possible to get spare parts for my setup (Nauticam) within a reasonable time frame if needed, e.g. a flash trigger, optical cables, ...

First few days will be in Dauin, after I'll go to Bohol. If availability of spare parts there is scarce, what would you recommend to carry?


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I'd not class those as "consumables" so they may be hard to get hold of.... if you're worried about failure, why not replace them before you go for peace of mind? 

Personally, I test everything a month before I go so plenty of lead time.   

I always take a box of spare o- rings, silicone grease, and spare batteries for everything (trigger, camera, strobes, computer) and that's about it... beyond the tools to make  a few field repairs.  

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I suggest bringing on every trip:

  • Batteries for everything that uses batteries
  • Major orings for housing and ports (usually comes with a housing/port)
  • Spare strobe cables
  • Extra arm clamp or two
  • Tribolube in little tubes
  • Several Microfiber towels
  • Set of allan wrenches
  • 6" cresent wrench
  • Small strap wrench
  • Nauticam spares including a few c-clips
  • Vacuum pump

I keep all of this and more in a larger ziplock bag that always travels with the camera housing.

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Thank you guys!


All parts that I worried about are already changed, it's more of a "you never know" thing and a "how pissed would I be if I could not fire my flash due to a broken cable or whatever".

Maybe I'll just get everything that is fairly small and not prohibitively expensive twice, just in case 😅

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  • 5 months later...

Not a bad idea. Probably you won't need them but more than likely someone will. I am on a 4 week trip and already 2 of my spare strobes and a spare sola have been used, just not by me.



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