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Field of View Comparison Between Rectilinear & Fisheye Wide Angle Lenses

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I'm sure this has never been done before 😉 -- but since I received my Lawla 10mm MF lens for Canon RF and Kenko 2x TC today, I figured I'd do a quick and dirty comparison at the rectilinear and fisheye field of view. Sharing it here in case it's helpful for others to visualize what you get with each type of lens and extreme rectilinear lenses in the 10mm range.


All these images are taken with same setup I've been using recently to test strobes (and, indeed, are at F22, ISO 100 with an Ikelite DS230 firing at full power). Distance from camera to the front wall is 1.4m. 


First, the rectilinear lenses. 10mm, 14mm, 15mm, 16mm, 17mm, 20mm


10 mm Laola 10mm.jpg14 mm Canon 14-35mm.jpg

15 mm Canon 14-35mm.jpg16 mm Canon 14-35mm.jpg

17 mm Canon 14-35mm.jpg20 mm Canon 14-35mm.jpg


There's a pretty obvious jump in coverage from 14mm to 10mm. The difference between 16mm, 15mm and 14mm is not so dramatic. 


Now for the fisheye lens, Canon 8-15mm, at 8mm, 15mm, and then 16mm (8mm + 2x TC). And each of those focal length de-fished using lens corrections in Lightroom.



8mm Canon 8-15mm Fisheye.jpg8 mm De-Fished Canon 8-15mm Fisheye.jpg

15mm Canon 8-15mm Fisheye.jpg15mm De-Fished Canon 8-15mm Fisheye.jpg

16mm Canon 8-15mm Fisheye + 2x TC.jpg16 mm De-Fished Canon 8-15mm Fisheye + 2x TC.jpg


If you're going to de-fish the fisheye, do it at 15mm, not 8. While you do get a wider angle of view defishing a circular fisheye, the loss of resolution at the edges is pretty extreme. At 15mm, the de-fished image is acceptable in quality dowscaled to 1500 pixel, at least for web/social media use.


The 15mm fisheye image de-fished is  has a wider field of view than 14mm rectilinear - but closer to the 14mm  field of view than the 10mm rectilinear.

14 mm Canon 14-35mm.jpg15mm De-Fished Canon 8-15mm Fisheye.jpg8 mm De-Fished Canon 8-15mm Fisheye.jpg


At the opposite end of the spectrum, here is the fisheye + 2x TC at 30mm  between the 28mm and 30mm rectilinear. They're very close -- I guess basically same as a 29mm rectilinear lens. Note that the rectilinear is marginally narrower horizontally but wider vertically. At 30mm, the fisheye only shows a mild amount of fisheye distortion. 


28 mm Canon 14-35mm.jpg30 mm Canon 8-15mm Fisheye + 2x TC.jpg30 mm Canon 14-35mm.jpg


And here is the 30mm fisheye de-fished next to the 30mm rectilinear. Not much between them in terms of angle of view.


30 mm De-Fished Canon 8-15mm Fisheye + 2x TC.jpg30 mm Canon 14-35mm.jpg


My conclusion is that the fisheye lens at longer focal length converges on the same angle of view as a rectilinear lens. This is especially once you de-fish it. 


Further, the 8-15mm + 2x TC combo gives has a very versatile range. It goes from a diagonal angle of view of 170 degrees at 16mm and 73 degrees at 30mm. That's very similar to the 170-74 degree angle of view Nauticam advertises for the FCP + Sony 28-60 combo. 


I'll take some shots with my WWL-C and 24-50 lens to see how the Nauticam conversion lenses fit into the bigger picture. 



Edited by DreiFish
Reducing image size to try to condense the post.
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Here are the results with the WWL-C (in air.. perhaps it's a bit more zoomed in in water?)


At the wide end (24mm on the base lens), Nauticam rates it as similar to a 10mm rectilinear lens, and it sorta is. Same horizontal field of view, but the rectilinear lens has a taller vertical field of view.


10 MM (24mm + WWL-C).jpg10 mm Laola 10mm.jpg


Zoomed all the way (50mm on the base lens), it closely matches the field of view of the 35mm rectilinear lens. This is despite Nauticam stating it should behave more like a 21mm lens. 


21 MM (50 mm + WWL-C).jpg35 mm Canon 14-35mm.jpg


So I'd say it's a bit more versatile than the 14-35mm lens, if you can live with the barrel distortion.

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