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Basic Rules - READ this before you Post

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Basic Rules - READ this before you Post

Please make sure you have familiarised yourself with and understand the guidelines for posting in the Classifieds section.

The Waterpixels Classifieds Forum is a space for members within the Waterpixels community to trade items. Consequently, we currently require that new members make a minimum of 3 posts in any of the other forums before gaining posting privileges in the Classifieds section.

  • You must always provide pricing for the item/s to be sold.
  • Please be aware that topics and posts cannot be edited or deleted. In the event of a sale, indicate this by adding "SOLD" as reply to the topic. Likewise, any adjustments, such as price reductions, should be made by adding to the original topic rather than creating a new one.
  • Share your buyer or seller experiences in the feedback thread for the community's benefit.
  • Waterpixels cannot accept responsibility for any forum activity. If you decide to proceed with a transaction, you do so at your own risk!
  • If you are uncertain about the legitimacy of a transaction, reach out to us. The admin team have tools which might be able to help identify potential fraud but buyers must make their own assessment.
  • For Industry/Commercial members: Kindly reach out to us through the contact form to assess the appropriateness of your proposed post. This determination will be made on a case-by-case basis. While this section is not intended for commercial product advertisements, we acknowledge that Industry members may have pre-owned equipment available, potentially of interest to the Waterpixels community.

Posts deemed by the admin team to violate any of the aforementioned rules may be edited or removed at their discretion.

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