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Davide DB

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Everything posted by Davide DB

  1. In some points it seems to me that shallow DOF is also the problem but with a crop factor of 1.5 you have an FOV of a 16.5mm. Impossible to get sharp edges at F4 F5.6 with any dome I think. You can try zooming in a little bit and that way you would also be facilitated with tilt and pan movements.
  2. Welcome aboard! I have not kept track but indeed you are several people here from the PNW. A community within a community 😄
  3. https://www.facebook.com/share/p/AoMQf8oejRDarDQ5/
  4. I think that F11 is really the minimum at that FOV. I don't know. let's see if members much more technical than me intervene. It doesn't depend on the material, and the dimensions alone (215mm vs. 250mm) don't tell the whole story because they might have different curvature. Would you mind to share/embed a video showing the problem? A YouTube link will automagically embedded.
  5. Hi Yann, You linked that image from FB so I had the chance to see some WA video you published and you are right, borders are terrible. Out of curiosity, what's your aperture? At 11mm I guess that F11 or F16 are mandatory. I went on the Nauticam port chart and I didn't find you lens listed. I see the Tokina AF 11-16mm f/2.8 and Tokina AF 12-24mm f/4. lens dimensions are nearly the same but IDK their entrance pupil. Anyway, assuming it's the same, for both the lens listed, the best combination is the 250mm dome port!
  6. Hi Yann, Welcome aboard!!!
  7. I bet that most of the sunburst I see on the net, are a sort of Photoshop double exposure. IIRC there's a specific PS plug in. But better don't ask 😉
  8. I'm curious about the weight too. The original lens was heavy already. This one is made of glass...
  9. Another good reason to credit ALWAYS the source of photos.
  10. And sometime Focus peaking, underwater, just doesn't work as expected.
  11. It's important to stay focused and not get distracted for a second 🙂
  12. Kim wrote about its new internal coating.
  13. I just saw it on FB. We will get more info in the next few days, I guess. What's the difference from current one?
  14. Welcome aboard Bryce!
  15. Could it be he was working in crop mode?
  16. Oh my Gargamel! You are close to creating the formula for the philosopher's stone! P.S. the formula for creating the philosopher's stone involves, in addition to mercury and sulfur, six smurfs boiled in snake venom...
  17. As @bghazzal's tests have shown, certainly in a real dive having at least a “flat” starting image helps a lot with color correction but in my case it was practically like shooting out of the water (50 cm in fresh water). Under these conditions, a GoPro already gives its best with classic settings. There was almost no color absorption, and the color differences between the various GoPro, shooting the same scene, were due to the different orientation relative to the sun. So it was enough to set the WB to 5000K (sunlight) and everything was more or less fine. Another nasty blow was to realize that filming the same static scene at 1080@50p with a GP5, GP8 and GP11, color aside (easily adjustable in post), the quality of the shot was virtually the same. There was not this abyss that we are led to believe by the hype. In the most extreme cases, a pass of Topaz and the shots were identical. Sad but true. I have seen several videos with mind blowing creative looks obtained from the Log files but these examples only show that it is possible to work with it but none demonstrate that it cannot be done from the standard Protune settings.
  18. The camera that replaces the C70. Basically a C70 with the sensor of the C400. It has native triple ISO (800/3200/12800) and also built-in ND filters. Nauticam makes the housing for the C70 so it is likely they will offer one for this one as well. The only major flaw is that 6K@30p in raw is full frame while for 60p it goes down to 4K S35 so cropped APSC. In MP4 codecs it is a S35 @4K camera. It is basically a 4K S35 camera.
  19. I don't want to sound like a pessimist, but I'll tell you what my impression was in an admittedly very limited use case. Basically I had 2 GP11s, one GP8 and two GP5s, shooting the same scene in 50 cm depth. I started enthusiastically with gopro labs fw, 10 bit, high bitrate and log profile. My buddy was very skeptical and left his GP11 pretty much standard: 10 bit color Natural. Both had fixed WB 5000K. We wasted several times doing color correction and grading of the gopro files with all features enabled only to arrive, after much effort, at the same quality as the standard one! I basically removed all the extra settings. By the way the GP with the high bitrate also consumed more battery while the most important thing for me was just the battery life. In the end we left the gopro labs fw only because it was convenient to configure the various gopros on the fly with a ready-made qrcode with all the settings and exact time. Again, maybe in another scenario the result would have been different (getting a creative look) but I remain very skeptical. As much fun as it can be to do the experiments, in the end no matter how hard you try, the sensor is what it is. The real mojo of these cameras is in the marketing.
  20. Always give credit/source when copying media from internet, please!
  21. Ah so I misunderstood you. IDK exactly. A fabric store (haberdashery?) or even a tailor might help you.
  22. Closed cells PVC, Polyurethane or Polyethylene foam. Foam pads/mattresses mostly of Polyurethane I guess.
  23. Now I'm using a spare car rubber carpet I had in my garage. Exactly the same box's bottom dimension but this is a good idea. I didn't know they exist. Thanks
  24. Guys with the iPhone 12 and Lightning connector 🤣🤣
  25. Yes for example the new Canon R5II has new more powerful batteries but still the old ones are compatible. Only the heavier codecs and resolutions are reserved for the new batteries. Yes! https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20220930IPR41928/long-awaited-common-charger-for-mobile-devices-will-be-a-reality-in-2024
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