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Hello from Seattle (or is that Oakland...?)

Peter Korn

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Hello Waterpixels community,

Delighted to be here.  I'm joining you mostly from Seattle, to which my wife and I moved 5 1/2 years ago, but occasionally (including right now) from my original San Francisco Bay Area home - in Oakland (to which we return regularly thanks to a certain granddaughter).  

I've been taking snaps underwater since the 4th day of my SSI Open Water class in Sharm El-Sheikh way too many decades ago.  Been taking photographs underwater somewhat more recently.  I've been on something of a tear coming out of COVID and into a whole lot of dive photography travel, starting with the Wetpixel Cenotes workshop, Digital Shootout, Backscatter's Cuba trip, Backscatter's Philippines trip, and then getting into more serious drysuit territory in the Seattle area, God's Pocket, and preparations for the Backscatter Antarctica trip this coming February.

Looking forward to joining this vibrant community!


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