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    • @ScubaBC Beautiful work. Thanks for putting that up.
    • Wow, that would be great! But I use Seacam...
    • Hi guys, chiming in as it seems like there is a bit of wishful thinking on a lot of things.  I've been to Mexico three times in the past 9 months (Cabo, Cozumel, Cancun...I work as a photography guide). The Spanish documents that the dive operators (like Nautilus) provide serve the same purpose as toilet paper.  According to Mexican law (you can google it), you are allowed to bring in two dedicated video or "film" cameras to Mexico.  Its online in English and Spanish.  What the authorities are targeting is what they consider "accessories".  That would be housings, dome ports, strobes, extension rings (seriously), etc...  Now on the Mexican website it does say that "accessories" are included; HOWEVER, the authorities provide some roundabout explanation about why that is not the case.  I've shown them the website on my phone and had physical printouts, their response is that it is not applicable to housings and underwater gear. I was born in South America and am fluent in Spanish.  I spent an hour explaining/pleading with them in Cabo and 30 minutes in Cancun.  Cabo they went after everything and asked for documentation/receipts.  Cancun I told them I bought the gear used/broken and repaired it myself and that worked. You can put your camera in the housing or whatever, point is, once they see the housing, they also see dollar signs.  They LOVE housings.  Argue all you want, they don't care...unless you can provide proof you bought it dirt-cheap used, broken, rental agreement, etc...they will go by the new sale value.  As per the dollar figure, they will literally pull out their cell phones in front of you and look it up on Backscatter and Reef Photo, again, right in front of you.  They don't care if your equipment clearly looks used or whatever. In Cabo this past March they dinged me on my Inon Z-330 strobes...which were discontinued a couple years ago.  Believe it or not, they looked up the resale value on Wetpixel right in front of me! Your best bet is to put your gear in nondescript luggage (not Pelican and nothing that even resembles dive suitcase/luggage) and hope you get the green light.  Otherwise have some sort of receipts or documentation that can prove you bought it broken, second-hand, reduced price, etc... I've heard that if you pay and sign the receipt with your name and then write "signed under protest" or "signed under duress" that you can easily get your credit card company to reverse the charges.  Personally I haven't done it because I had to return to Mexico a few times and didn't want to risk further trouble on my return.  That said, I'm seriously reconsidering going back to Mexico for work, its starting to be too much hassle/risk
    • Some video from last weekend in Croatia! The night dive help me a lot with the colour balancing, I love have only the torch as source of light 😁  
    • I was just wondering if anyone has had a GH7 in the water yet?
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