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  • Care and Maintenance for a happy camera rig

    Like most things, some attention to maintenance is usually a good idea. Underwater camera and cinematography accessories are no different, especially with the use and abuse most of it gets in unforgiving environments. Naturally, the better something is taken care of, the longer it will last, and even though Ultralight Camera Solutions products are virtually indestructible, treating them with respect will keep them in good working order.

    For the underwater photographer, after every dive, the best thing to do is thoroughly rinse everything in freshwater, inspect and service it if needed so it is ready to go when needed. For most of us, it's easy to forget and overlook these things that will bite us in the butt later, especially when we decide at the last minute to go diving. Being proactive is always better than being reactive.

    To learn more about caring for and maintaining your underwater photography accessories, we have put together some information and videos that you can view at the link.

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