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Gopro wetmate lens mount options

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I have been super happy with Backscatter flip setup for macro and filter. However, the new wetmate WA and macro options look very interesting as well. Since I have no experience of bayonet mounts, few questions

- are any/all bayonet mounts compatible between the vendors (Backscatter, AOI, Inon) so that lenses from multiple vendors could be used on the same mount?

- are there differences in robustness or convenience of use between the mounts?

- any recommendations on mounts (e.g. on strobe/light arm) to store extra lens(es) during the dive?


Thanks for any and all help in advance!

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Yes bayonet miunt is the same so they are interchangeable. Backscatter is a rebranded version of the AOI. The lens it's the same,  but they offer slightly different options.

Some of our members have them so the may add other info.

More info here:



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