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Existing Inon Z-240 died

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Weird issue but I think it died being left in a car for a couple of hours. Not directly in the sun but it was a hot day. One strobe survived. I’m only diving a couple of times a year and still want to take photos. My question is what should I pair my 1 Z240 with. I fire the strobes with fiber optic using Olympus OMD EM5 mii. It appears Inon quit making the Z-330. Should I just buy another 240/330 used or does anyone have another idea?

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best bet is probably a used Z-240.  Much easier to keep them on the same setting so the illumination is the same from both sides when used conventionally with a strobe on each side and symettrical.  

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Any strobe you like will work but as Chris says, balancing them will be easier if they’re the same. I do have a friend who uses a z240 and a z330 at the same time and his photos look good. 

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11 hours ago, Dave_Hicks said:

I have 3 Inon 330s and now that I am using HF-1s primarily, I suppose I don't need 3 spares. 


I'd be willing to sell one of my 330s. Maybe $375 usd. With accessories. Mount, diffusers. 

Send me a PM. Not sure where you live but I’m in Denver. If your stateside we can probably make this work

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  • 2 weeks later...

Did you bend the battery compartment pins out? The ones on the cap. Also try not tightening the cap so tightly, or cleaning the pins. The pins on the inside are gold-plated, but the ones on the cap are made of tin or something. Also, smacking the strobe around the battery compartment often wakes them up, on the Z-220, 240, and 330. 

Or maybe listen to the guys recommending Sea and Sea since Inon seems to be on their way out of business… 

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