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If you are interested, I would also adapt the mount for other dive computers, but I would need photos with dimensions. Important, also with the charging cable etc. attached.

Greetings from Switzerland,


Hi Tino Thanks for the solution.. nice idea.... but I didn't understand why attached the computer at the photo housing...

For me it MUST be on the diver.

Sorry but if you have good argument I ll happy to know it.

40 minutes ago, CaolIla said:

but I didn't understand why attached the computer at the photo housing...

For me it MUST be on the diver.

Sorry but if you have good argument I ll happy to know it.

Convenience - when you're constantly looking at the camera screen and/or viewfinder, you can check your dive computer for depth/time/NDC/air without looking away. Marelux even makes a 'smart viewfinder' with an integrated depth/dive time/temperature/ascent rate display. This is particularly valuable on blackwater dives where you have little in the way of visual reference as to your location and attitude. If you're worried about losing your computer with the camera, then you should also be worried about your dive computer failing mid-dive, so you should also be carrying a backup, and if you're carrying two, why not mount one of them on the camera?

Posted (edited)

Blackwater Dive... hummm ok a good argument if you have the information on the viewfinder. Otherwise ???

Personaly I have one dive computer on each arm..I only need to look at right or at left a little bit and I have all information I need. Also the pressure of my tank.

Edited by CaolIla

I have two Peregrine computers. I wear one on my left forearm and the other straps to the left inner Nauticam float arm. Why two, because two is one and one is none and I have had computers quit at critical times though never a Shearwater product. 

12 hours ago, Barmaglot said:

Yes, obviously you can look left and right to check the computer on your wrist, but having it in front of you on the camera is more convenient.

Left right or up it s the same you don't look at the viewfinder 😉


On the top of the housing I have allready a gopro or a focus lamp or a compas... depending of the situation  but never without something 

8 hours ago, CaolIla said:

Left right or up it s the same you don't look at the viewfinder 😉


On the top of the housing I have allready a gopro or a focus lamp or a compas... depending of the situation  but never without something 

So, um, why do you have compass on top of your camera if it's so inconvenient? Why not on your wrist alongside everything else?


Also, some of us use screens rather than viewfinders for composition. On DSLRs the viewfinder was important; on compacts or mirrorless it makes little difference.

4 hours ago, Barmaglot said:

So, um, why do you have compass on top of your camera if it's so inconvenient? Why not on your wrist alongside everything else?


If I navigate without reference... only need to go in a direction I have my camera at the front of me and I swing straight to find the wrack or what ever I show the compass every 5 seconds 😉 it's totaly something else

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